wingpanel-indicator-namarupa icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
wingpanel-indicator-namarupa copied to clipboard

Error when use the ninja

Open MichaelToniolo opened this issue 4 years ago • 2 comments

Hello Guys

When I use the command "ninja" to build the program, show me that wrong

[1/10] Compiling Vala source ../src/AyatanaIndicator.vala ../src/Indicator.vala ../src...ala ../src/IndicatorLoader.vala ../src/IndicatorObject.vala ../src/SubMenuButton.vala. FAILED: namarupa@sha/src/AyatanaIndicator.c namarupa@sha/src/Indicator.c namarupa@sha/src/IndicatorButton.c namarupa@sha/src/IndicatorIface.c namarupa@sha/src/IndicatorFactory.c namarupa@sha/src/IndicatorLoader.c namarupa@sha/src/IndicatorObject.c namarupa@sha/src/SubMenuButton.c namarupa.h namarupa.vapi valac -C --debug --debug --vapidir /home/michael/Downloads/wingpanel-indicator-namarupa-master/vapi --pkg indicator3-0.4 --pkg wingpanel-2.0 --pkg gtk+-3.0 --pkg granite --pkg gobject-2.0 --pkg glib-2.0 --color=always --directory namarupa@sha --basedir ../ --library namarupa --header namarupa.h --vapi ../namarupa.vapi /home/michael/Downloads/wingpanel-indicator-namarupa-master/vapi/config.vapi ../src/AyatanaIndicator.vala ../src/Indicator.vala ../src/IndicatorButton.vala ../src/IndicatorIface.vala ../src/IndicatorFactory.vala ../src/IndicatorLoader.vala ../src/IndicatorObject.vala ../src/SubMenuButton.vala ../src/AyatanaIndicator.vala:292.7-292.8: error: syntax error, expected `;' if (group_radio == null) { ^^ Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warning(s) ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

I will make a pull request on the file where I correct.

MichaelToniolo avatar Nov 24 '20 14:11 MichaelToniolo


  • Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Wingpanel Developers (
  • This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  • modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
  • License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
  • version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  • This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  • but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  • General Public License for more details.
  • You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
  • License along with this program; if not, write to the
  • Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor,
  • Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /*NAMARUPA */

public class AyatanaCompatibility.Indicator : IndicatorButton { public string code_name { get; construct; } public string display_name { get; construct; } public string description { get; construct; } private IndicatorButton icon;

private Gtk.Stack main_stack;
private Gtk.Grid main_grid;

private unowned IndicatorAyatana.ObjectEntry entry;
private unowned IndicatorAyatana.Object parent_object;
private IndicatorIface indicator;
private string entry_name_hint;

private Gtk.Popover popover;

private Gee.HashMap<Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Widget> menu_map;
private Gee.HashMap<Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Widget> submenu_map;

 const int MAX_ICON_SIZE = 22;

//group radiobuttons
private Gtk.RadioButton? group_radio = null;
public Indicator (IndicatorAyatana.ObjectEntry entry, IndicatorAyatana.Object obj, IndicatorIface indicator) {
    string name_hint = entry.name_hint;
    if (name_hint == null) {
        var current_time = new DateTime.now_local ();
        name_hint = current_time.hash ().to_string ();

    Object (code_name: "%s%s".printf ("ayatana-", name_hint),
            display_name: "%s%s".printf ("ayatana-", name_hint),
            description: _("Ayatana compatibility indicator"));
    this.entry = entry;
    this.indicator = indicator;
    this.parent_object = obj;
    this.menu_map = new Gee.HashMap<Gtk.Widget, Gtk.Widget> ();
    entry_name_hint = name_hint;

    if ( == null) {
        critical ("Indicator: %s has no menu widget.", entry_name_hint);

    add_events (Gdk.EventMask.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK);

    var image = entry.image as Gtk.Image;

    if (image != null) {
         * images holding pixbufs are quite frequently way too large, so we whenever a pixbuf
         * is assigned to an image we need to check whether this pixbuf is within reasonable size
        if (image.storage_type == Gtk.ImageType.PIXBUF) {
            image.notify["pixbuf"].connect (() => {
                ensure_max_size (image);

            ensure_max_size (image);

        image.pixel_size = MAX_ICON_SIZE;

        set_widget (IndicatorButton.WidgetSlot.IMAGE, image);

    var label = entry.label;

    if (label != null && label is Gtk.Label) {
        set_widget (IndicatorButton.WidgetSlot.LABEL, label);

    scroll_event.connect (on_scroll);
    button_press_event.connect (on_button_press);

     * Workaround for buggy indicators: this menu may still be part of
     * another panel entry which hasn't been destroyed yet. Those indicators
     * trigger entry-removed after entry-added, which means that the previous
     * parent is still in the panel when the new one is added.
    if ( () != null) { ();

    this.visible = true;

public string name_hint () {
    return entry_name_hint;

public bool on_button_press (Gdk.EventButton event) {
    get_popover ().show_all ();
    print ("ON BUTTON PRESS\n");
    if (event.button == Gdk.BUTTON_MIDDLE) {
        parent_object.secondary_activate (entry, event.time);

        return Gdk.EVENT_STOP;

    return Gdk.EVENT_PROPAGATE;

public bool on_scroll (Gdk.EventScroll event) {
    parent_object.entry_scrolled (entry, 1, (IndicatorAyatana.ScrollDirection)event.direction);

    return Gdk.EVENT_PROPAGATE;

int position = 0;
public Gtk.Widget? get_popover () {
    if (popover == null) {
        bool reloaded = false;
        icon.parent.parent.enter_notify_event.connect ((w, e) => {
            if (!reloaded && e.mode != Gdk.CrossingMode.TOUCH_BEGIN) {
                 * workaround for indicators (e.g. dropbox) that only update menu children after
                 * the menu is popuped
                reloaded = true;
       (icon.parent, 0, 0);

            return Gdk.EVENT_PROPAGATE;

        main_stack = new Gtk.Stack (); (() => {
            main_stack.set_visible_child (main_grid);
            reloaded = false;
        main_grid = new Gtk.Grid ();
        main_stack.add (main_grid);

        foreach (var item in ()) {
            on_menu_widget_insert (item);
        } (on_menu_widget_insert); (on_menu_widget_remove);

        popover = new Gtk.Popover (this);
        popover.add (main_stack);

    return popover;

private void on_menu_widget_insert (Gtk.Widget item) {
    var w = convert_menu_widget (item);

    if (w != null) {
        menu_map.set (item, w);
        main_grid.attach (w, 0, position++, 1, 1);
        /* menuitem not visible */
        if (!item.get_visible ()) {
            w.no_show_all = true;
            w.hide ();
        } else {

private void on_menu_widget_remove (Gtk.Widget item) {
    var w = menu_map.get (item);

    if (w != null) {
        main_grid.remove (w);
        menu_map.unset (item);

private Gtk.Image? check_for_image (Gtk.Container container) {
    foreach (var c in container.get_children ()) {
        if (c is Gtk.Image) {
            return (c as Gtk.Image);
        } else if (c is Gtk.Container) {
            return check_for_image ((c as Gtk.Container));

    return null;

private void connect_signals (Gtk.Widget item, Gtk.Widget button) { (() => {
        button.no_show_all = false; ();
    item.hide.connect (() => {
        button.no_show_all = true;
        button.hide ();
    item.state_flags_changed.connect ((type) => {
        button.set_state_flags (item.get_state_flags (), true);

/* convert the menuitems to widgets that can be shown in popovers */
private Gtk.Widget? convert_menu_widget (Gtk.Widget item) {
    /* separator are GTK.SeparatorMenuItem, return a separator */
    if (item is Gtk.SeparatorMenuItem) {
        var seperator =  new Wingpanel.Widgets.Separator ();

        connect_signals (item, seperator);

        return seperator;

    /* all other items are genericmenuitems */
    string label = (item as Gtk.MenuItem).get_label ();
    label = label.replace ("_", "");

     * get item type from atk accessibility
     * 34 = MENU_ITEM  8 = CHECKBOX  32 = SUBMENU 44 = RADIO
	const int ATK_CHECKBOX = 8;
	const int ATK_RADIO = 44;
    var atk = item.get_accessible ();
    Value val = Value (typeof (int));
    atk.get_property ("accessible_role", ref val);
    var item_type = val.get_int ();

    var state = item.get_state_flags ();
    var active = (item as Gtk.CheckMenuItem).get_active ();

	//RAZ group_radio
   group_radio = (item_type == ATK_RADIO)? group_radio:null;
    /* detect if it has a image */
    Gtk.Image? image = null;
    var child = (item as Gtk.Bin).get_child ();

    if (child != null) {
        if (child is Gtk.Image) {
            image = (child as Gtk.Image);
        } else if (child is Gtk.Container) {
            image = check_for_image ((child as Gtk.Container));

    if (item_type == ATK_CHECKBOX) {
        var button = new Wingpanel.Widgets.Switch (label, active);
        button.get_switch ().state_set.connect ((b) => {
            (item as Gtk.CheckMenuItem).set_active (b);
            //  close ();

            return false;
        button.set_state_flags (state, false);

        connect_signals (item, button);
        (item as Gtk.CheckMenuItem).toggled.connect (() => {
   = ((item as Gtk.CheckMenuItem).get_active ());

        return button;

	if (item_type == ATK_RADIO) {
	    var button = new Gtk.RadioButton.with_label_from_widget (group_radio,label);
	    margin = 5;
	    margin_start = 10;
	    if (group_radio == null) {
	        group_radio = button;
	    // do not remove
              button.clicked.connect (() => {
                    item.activate ();
	    button.activate.connect (() => {
                   (item as Gtk.RadioMenuItem).set_active (button.get_active ());
	    return button;
    /* convert menuitem to a indicatorbutton */
    if (item is Gtk.MenuItem) {
        Gtk.ModelButton button;

        if (image != null && image.pixbuf == null && image.icon_name != null) {
            try {
                Gtk.IconTheme icon_theme = Gtk.IconTheme.get_default ();
                image.pixbuf = icon_theme.load_icon (image.icon_name, 16, 0);
            } catch (Error e) {
                warning (e.message);
		button = new Gtk.ModelButton();
		button.text = label;
        if (image != null && image.pixbuf != null) {
            (button as Gtk.ModelButton).icon = (image.pixbuf);
        (item as Gtk.CheckMenuItem).notify["label"].connect (() => {
            (button as Gtk.ModelButton).text = ((item as Gtk.MenuItem).get_label ().replace ("_", ""));

        button.set_state_flags (state, true);

        var submenu = (item as Gtk.MenuItem).submenu;
		var sub_list = new Gtk.ListBox ();
        if (submenu != null) {
            var scroll_sub = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow (null, null);
            scroll_sub.set_policy (Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC, Gtk.PolicyType.AUTOMATIC);
            scroll_sub.add (sub_list);
            var back_button = new Gtk.ModelButton();
	    back_button.text = (_("Back"));
	    back_button.inverted = true;
	    back_button.menu_name = "main_grid";
            back_button.clicked.connect (() => {
                main_stack.set_visible_child (main_grid);
            sub_list.add (back_button);
            sub_list.add (new Wingpanel.Widgets.Separator ());
			//adding submenu items
			foreach (var sub_item in submenu.get_children ()) {
				var sub_menu_item = convert_menu_widget (sub_item);
				connect_signals (sub_item, sub_menu_item);
				sub_list.add (sub_menu_item);
			submenu.insert.connect ((sub_item) => {
                var sub_menu_item = convert_menu_widget (sub_item);

                if (sub_menu_item != null) {
                    connect_signals (sub_item, sub_menu_item);
                    sub_list.add (sub_menu_item);
	     submenu.remove.connect ((item) => {
		 var w = menu_map.get (item);

    		 if (w != null) {
        		     sub_list.remove (w);
        		     submenu_map.unset (item);
            main_stack.add (scroll_sub);
			//Button opening the submenu
            button = new Gtk.ModelButton();
	      button.text = label;
	      button.menu_name = "submenu";
            button.clicked.connect (() => {
                main_stack.set_visible_child (scroll_sub);
                main_stack.show_all ();
        } else {
            button.clicked.connect (() => {
                //close ();
                item.activate ();

        connect_signals (item, button);

        return button;

    return null;

//  public override void opened () {
//  }

//  public override void closed () {
//  }

private void ensure_max_size (Gtk.Image image) {
    var pixbuf = image.pixbuf;

    if (pixbuf != null && pixbuf.get_height () > MAX_ICON_SIZE) {
        image.pixbuf = pixbuf.scale_simple ((int)((double)MAX_ICON_SIZE / pixbuf.get_height () * pixbuf.get_width ()),
                                            MAX_ICON_SIZE, Gdk.InterpType.HYPER);


MichaelToniolo avatar Nov 24 '20 14:11 MichaelToniolo

Code fixed.

Thanks guys

MichaelToniolo avatar Nov 24 '20 14:11 MichaelToniolo