all-the-icons.el copied to clipboard
Could you add the explanation to install the font in detail for Windows
For Windows, this function will prompt for a download directory for you to install them manually.
Could you add the explanation to install the font in detail for Windows.
Because i didn't reach the solution, I dig the "Issues" and found the following issue comment how to install the fonts as Windows system.
explanation example
After downloaded the fonts, double click the each ttf font file on Windows Explore as the font of the Windows System.
I don't use windows, so, PR welcome :)
It's not really well explained.
If you're really new to Emacs, M-x means pressing Alt+x inside the Emacs window/process. [RET] or <RET> means to hit Enter.
Install the package using Melpa
M-x package-install [RET] all-the-icons [RET]
Run the fonts installation
M-x all-the-icons-install-fonts
It will ask for you to define a directory, I've defined mine on ~/.emacs.d/all-the-icons-fonts/ When installation is completed, go to defined directory, and open each font file to install it on your machine.
Restart Emacs and it should work.
If it doesn't works, go to your .emacs file and require the package:
Let me know if it still doesn't work.
@jacksonbenete Thank you for showing how to install the fonts. I expect that installation would be described in installing-fonts section , Readme. for windows users.
Maybe it's usual for Windows, but it wold be kind and nice for the windows users at least me!.