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Example web secured by shiro that uses two types of authentication one being basic auth
Shiro Security Basic Examples
This project is to help users of the shiro user forum is simple questions.
Each url helps a specific question asked on the forum.
By no means is this code to be taken literally, it is just for demonstration purposes. There are many bad practices in this project that should not be used in real code.
Web Server
This is a maven project, with an embedded jetty plugin.
To start jetty and the web application use maven command
mvn jetty:run
Web application locations
Use a browser to see anonymous and authenticated web pages.
Welcome page http://localhost:8888/ No authentication required.
Secured page http://localhost:8888/web/secure-web.html
Secured page requres an Authenticated subject. If the current subject isn't authenticated then the browser is required to the Login page.
- Username = dom
- Password = password
After successful authentication, the browser is required back to the Secure page.
Show principle page http://localhost:8888/web/showPrincipal.jsp Requires an authenticated subject. It shows the principle stored in the session. This jsp page uses JSP expression, which I would recommend against use normally.
Preserve Hash id http://localhost:8888/web/workspace.html#documents Requires an authenticated subject. It will preserve the hash id #document in the url after redirect to log in page.
Webservice locations
A com.sun.jersey.spi.container.servlet.ServletContainer is set up to provide two GET endpoints. Using curl or other tools these endpoints can be used. These endpoints don't require authentication.
Set a message ("It's ME!") into the session. (Again, this is very poor code, don't use GET for changing things. POST or PUT are much better)
curl http://localhost:8888/jersey/message/set
Get the message from the session, if it is set.
curl http://localhost:8888/jersey/message
PreserveFormOnFailureFormAuthenticationFilter extends the standard FormAuthenticationFilter. It now puts the username back into the request on login failure.
protected void setFailureAttribute(ServletRequest request, AuthenticationException ae) {
super.setFailureAttribute(request, ae);
request.setAttribute(getUsernameParam(), request.getParameter(getUsernameParam()));
authc = domfarr.filter.PreserveFormOnFailureFormAuthenticationFilter