Dominic Cooney
Dominic Cooney
In practice with context 0.1 we have some files which are *almost* monomorphic. But as soon as they have a single field with a different value then we have to...
The "context 0.1" file format has one model for a given field. Say you have a file where someone's pasted two source files together and the first half of the...
Here's a 52 KB/700 line file file I encountered in a random sample of httparchive: []( The nature of the file is: ````js window["fpdefs"] = { vertex_shader : 'attribute vec3...
Looking at 2022 Q2 Projects (Issue #95) I was speculating that MDN could write some intermediate/advanced tutorial or "architecture guide" content which cuts across multiple APIs. To use Q2 projects... is a draft and the sub pages are about Firefox. Since these were authored there has been a lot of spec and browser activity to document and consolidate, and...
Coverage of live examples on MDN is spotty, and many are not editable. For example: is not live is live but not editable live, interactive *and* editable,...
The layer types with XR*LayerInit : XRLayerInit require authors to specify `viewPixelWidth` and `viewPixelHeight`. Working out effective values for these seems *difficult.* I have my source media (environment map/photo/video/etc.) available...
I wrestled with this for a couple of days trying to work out why HaskellActivity.cabal was causing incompatible options to ld (-Wl,-r emanating from the bowels of GHC, and -lopt-shared...
When reporting an issue, please provide 1. the Emacs version (`M-x emacs-version [RET]`, will also appear in the buffer `*Messages*`), GNU Emacs 26.1 (build 1, x86_64-w64-mingw32) of 2018-05-30 2. the...
I suspect there are some predictable failure modes for sampling, like truncating a long stack trace (for example because of resource limitations) or reaching a sampling point but being unable...