Results 54 comments of Dominic

I implemented a preloading system in the most recent commit. Check it out to see if it solves your problem.

Had to rollback the preloading system. Did not work well in production testing. This issue is still unsolved.

No new progress at this time. I'm open to suggestions on how to improve the UX during a resolution change.

That's an interesting solution. Thanks for sharing it. Maybe you could post a jsFiddle or something like that so we could see it in action? I'm curious to see how...

It sure does. Pull requests welcome. :)

Thanks for that file. It will certainly help when I get around to working on 5.0 compatibility. Out of curiosity, is Wikimedia using Video.js with this plugin as their video...

Just wanted to let you know I saw the pull request. Life has been pretty hectic for me, so I haven't had a chance to look at it yet. One...

Thanks for your interest in helping. The main roadblock is that I have no experience working with RTMP streaming. It might be as simple as specifying various RTMP sources and...

Good catch. It looks like we'll have to wait for an update to the Video.js SWF ([videojs/video-js-swf#92]( before this can be implemented. As far as the `.one + playing` event...

@kenmcd, that's interesting. I wasn't aware of pseudo-streaming. So, it seems like we're waiting on the video.js flash player for RTMP source switching and/or pseudo-streaming support before we can add...