count-to-6 copied to clipboard
An intro to some ES6 features via a set of self-guided workshops.
Using WSL Ubuntu 18.04 on Win10. I was able to install and use `learnyounode` without any problems. Right before installing `count-to-6` I changed my global npm modules directory to a...
I checked my syntax and even checked it with online es6 compiler and it worked. However when I am reading process.argv[2] it prints one of the following values "ECMA" "ES6"...
So far we have: - Compare stdout - Make them write a function and run tests against it. Are there other possibilities? E.g. it seems dumb to make them test... Too minor?
Too big? Focus on lazy sequences? Make them write a combinator, e.g. `takeWhile`? Again, Node 0.11 is mostly spec-compliant here. The use case here would be private members, I think. Node 0.11 Symbols are mostly spec-compliant, with only a few deviations IIRC. This is tricky to come up with a use case for. Maybe bullet-proof duck-typing? Or attaching properties...