django-portfolio icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
django-portfolio copied to clipboard

An artist's portfolio as a pluggable Django app.


.. image:: :target:

.. image:: :target:

.. image:: :target: :alt: Code Health

What's this?

An artist's portfolio as a pluggable Django app, based on the following assumptions:

  1. A portfolio consists of collections containing artworks.
  2. Artworks have one or more pictures and (optionally) a title and a description.
  3. Artworks can be listed from within collections or categories.


  • Well tested, decent code coverage and used in production environments.
  • Makes good use of Django's admin; drag and drop sorting, search, filtering, pagination and thumbnail previews.
  • All strings are fully translatable (will integrate with Transifex on request, feel free to create a GitHub issue).
  • Optional template context processors and sitemaps available.
  • Very basic front-end templates to help kickstart integration.
  • South migrations available for hassle-free upgrade paths.


  1. pip install -e git+

  2. Follow sorl-thumbnail's installation instructions <>_.

  3. Follow django-admin-sortable's installation instructions <>_. Make sure to install the admin-sortable version corresponding to your Django release (1.4.x for 1.4.x) and (1.5.x for 1.5.x).

  4. Add portfolio to INSTALLED_APPS.

  5. Include URL's into Django's URL space, like such::

     urlpatterns = patterns('',
         (r'^portfolio/', include('portfolio.urls')),
  6. Have a cup of coffee! You deserve one; basic integration of the portfolio app is done now.

  7. Copy the minimal base templates from the templates folder <>_ to your project's template folder and start customizing.

  8. (Optionally) Configure sitemaps <>_ by updating your sitemaps dictionary with portfolio.sitemaps.portfolio_sitemaps.

    For example::

     from portfolio.sitemaps import portfolio_sitemaps
     sitemaps = {
         'blog': GenericSitemap(info_dict, priority=0.6),
     urlpatterns = patterns('',
         (r'^portfolio/', include('portfolio.urls')),
         # Sitemaps
         (r'^sitemap\.xml$', 'django.contrib.sitemaps.views.sitemap',
             {'sitemaps': sitemaps}),
  9. (Optionally) Enable template context processors <>_ for collections, artworks and/or categories in
