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Home assistant integration for the Nordigen open banking API

Nordigen Home Assistant integration

GitHub CodeFactor Quality Gate Status CI

This integration will allow you to have access to banking data for most banks in the EU.


HACS coming soon!

You will need to register on Nordigen and get an API key before you can run this integration. At this time there is only support for one API key per HA instance.

Example bank sensor


  1. Copy / clone this integration into ./config/custom_components/nordigen
  2. Restart Home Assistant to get the integration loaded


  1. Add your config to ./config/configuration.yaml or similar
  2. Validate the config using UI or CLI.
  3. Restart Home Assistant


Unauthenticated sensor

  1. Check the developer section for sensors, there should be a sensor with the account number / reference containing a link to authenticate your account.
  2. Click the link and follow the instructions
  3. Restart Home Assistant one last time

In the future I hope to be able to make the system a bit more dynamic and user friendly for account onboarding :)


Name Type Requirement Description
token string Required Your secret API token from Nordigen (use !secret!)
requisitions array Required List of banking institutions that will be connected
debug boolean Optional Still connects to the bank for account name, but balance is randomly generated witout connecting to the bank. (default False)

This integration pairs a "user id" with a banking institution. Each banking institution will return one or more accounts, each of which can have multiple types of balances.

Each requisition can contain the following options:

Name Type Requirement Description
enduser_id string Required A unique (to your HA install) identifier for the user these accounts will belong to. Generally a UUID
aspsp_id string Required The bank code for the institution being connected. This can be found either in the API examples on Nordigen or using the Client Libs (there are hundreds)
refresh_rate integer Optional Time in minutes between refresh (default is 240 min / 4 hours). Some banks are limited to 4 requests / day
ignore_accounts array Optional List of account numbers to ignore. For example might add accounts for 2 partners including a joint account (which would show up twice, once for each user).
available_balance boolean Optional Create a sensor based on the available balance (default True)
booked_balance boolean Optional Create a sensor based on the booked balance (pending transactions) (default True)
max_historical_days integer Optional Maximum days of history to collect (default 30)
icon string Optional Icon to use for the sensor, defaults to the currency symbol or USD when not available as an icon (default mdi:currency-usd-circle)

Example Config

Assuming you bank with a single institution, your config may look like this.

  token: !secret nordigen
    - enduser_id: user-id-1
      aspsp_id: BANK_A

Should you have more than one institution you use (credit cards are often apart from current acounts)

  token: !secret nordigen
    - enduser_id: user-id-1
      aspsp_id: BANK_A
    - enduser_id: user-id-1
      aspsp_id: BANK_B

Multiple users with the same institution, but ignoring an account

  token: !secret nordigen
    - enduser_id: user-id-1
      aspsp_id: BANK_A
    - enduser_id: user-id-2
      aspsp_id: BANK_A
        - ACCOUNT_ID_1234

Derivative Sensors

You can build derivative sensors to view your total wealth for example

  - platform: template
        unit_of_measurement: SEK
        value_template: |
              (states('sensor.account_123_available') | float) +
              (states('sensor.account_456_available') | float) +
              (states('sensor.account_789_available') | float) +
            ) | round(2)


Turn off your outside lights when your account balance is getting low.

  - alias: "broke"
      - platform: numeric_state
          entity_id: sensor.account_123_available
          below: 2500
    - service: light.turn_off
        entity_id: light.exterior_lighting

Technical details

I wanted to have good test coverage and could not find a good way to do it within this integration so I've abstracted out all the code into a standalone python lib.

That in turn uses a generic API [clinet lib] for Nordigen

About Nordigen

Nordigen is an all-in-one banking data API for building powerful banking, lending and finance apps. They offer a free API for fetching account info, balances and transactions. They also handle all the authentication between the banks and do a little bit of data nomilisation.

Check out the Nordigen API for full details.