Will 保哥

Results 137 issues of Will 保哥

**Problem description** (Describe the problem you would like to solve with this feature request or suggested idea). I know the STRING type in Redis is binary-compatible. I'd like to know...


> Moved from https://github.com/quicktype/quicktype/issues/1532 When I open VSCode from my WSL using [Remote - WSL](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode-remote.remote-wsl), I can't use `Paste JSON as Code` command. It shows `Code could not get clipboard...

It because .NET Core 3 built-in `System.Text.Json` namespace that replace `Newtonsoft.Json`. In the .NET world, there are two major different JSON serializer implementations now. How this extension distinguish between these...

```txt G:\Projects\funapp2>func --version 4.0.3928 G:\Projects\funapp2>dotnet --version 6.0.100 ``` Here are the steps to reproduce the problem. ```sh mkdir funapp2 && cd funapp2 func init --worker-runtime dotnetIsolated --docker func new -t...


Here are the steps to reproduce the problem. 1. Check Azure Functions Core Tools version ```sh func --version ``` ```log 3.0.3734 ``` 2. Use .NET Core 3.1.400 SDK ```sh dotnet...

I'm using Docker for Windows with WSL 2 integration. Can I use sysbox? Do you have any guidance about this environment?


I wasn't able to output a command execution result by setting the following `KeyFunctions` setting with `Ctrl-Shift-d` shortcut in the mintty config file. ```sh KeyFunctions=d:'echo -n `date`'; ``` What is...


In this Windows Azure SDK for PHP, it looks like doesn't implemented a Session Handler for PHP. I was found that there is do exist in the CodePlex project, but...


The [GenerateTokenHtmlEncodesValues()](https://github.com/aspnet/AspNetWebStack/blob/v3.2.7/test/WebMatrix.WebData.Test/SimpleMembershipProviderTest.cs#L168-L181) test method in the [WebMatrix.WebData.Test\SimpleMembershipProviderTest.cs](https://github.com/aspnet/AspNetWebStack/blob/v3.2.7/test/WebMatrix.WebData.Test/SimpleMembershipProviderTest.cs) file, this test is failed. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/88981/126040601-5b47d6b6-11ac-479b-9b40-d807909f27c6.png) The `generatedBytes` length is `17`: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/88981/126040623-62d44c88-b3a8-4881-88df-984c9cd55d68.png) The `array` length is `16`: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/88981/126040632-a7259c48-c7f8-4ad4-b57e-ae687af41716.png) Is this a bug in...


https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=johnpapa.Angular2 ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/88981/114254990-2effab00-99e5-11eb-826f-68334ed72403.png)