Will 保哥

Results 137 issues of Will 保哥

1. 英文在句子最前面時,前面不用加入空白字元 2. 英文在標點符號之前時,後面不用加入空白字元 3. 英文在標點符號之後時,前面不用加入空白字元 4. 英文在中文字前後時,都要加入空白字元

The `SlidesCodeHighlighter` is not able to paste code with the right format into PowerPoint correctly. When I paste code into it, it will become only 1 line. ![image](https://github.com/romannurik/SlidesCodeHighlighter/assets/88981/09e67eb8-b8d8-4bb4-b9d6-5f67c838deae) It because...

当我在使用 `--prompt prompt_template_sample.txt` 参数时,目前会强制我的 prompt_template_sample.txt 一定要输入 `{language}` 变量,但我觉得这不是必要的,因为我自己在设置 prompt template 的时候,不一定要指定 CLI 输入的 `--language` 参数。

I think the environment variable for `BBM_CHATGPTAPI_SYS_MSG` and `BBM_CHATGPTAPI_USER_MSG_TEMPLATE` is not suitable for long prompting text. I'd like to propose a solution for file-based prompting text for these two variables....

I'd like to suggestion **Git History** can implement `git log --show-signature` feature in this extension.

I'd like to delete a remote tracking branch in local repository that already been deleted remotely. When clicking on the remote tracking branch in the Git History page. The git...

The response headers in Postman are mostly trivial. Is it possible add an option to disable generating these headers in OpenAPI Specification output?

Related to #22 It seems the response schema are generated from example and inlined with the operation. I'd like to suggest provide a way to move these schemas to `#/components/schemas/*`.

請問這個版本跟原本 anderscui/jieba.NET 差別在哪裡?有優化什麼項目或清除什麼 Bugs 嗎?

### Installed product versions - Visual Studio: 2015 Enterprise - This extension: 1.0.18 ### Description Add an C# String Encode ### Steps to recreate 1. Open any text file in...