Will 保哥

Results 87 comments of Will 保哥

@mkArtakMSFT Is it possible to **restart** the app if these code changes are unsupported when running `dotnet watch run` ? For now (`6.0.0-rc.1`), it still reload the app but no...

It because I use Markdig to traversal the Markdown document for translation purpose. I need to keep all the content as-is. When I parse to the `LinkReferenceDefinitionGroup`, I don't have...

Changing the system encoding to UTF-8 is not an option for most of non-English locale people.

I'm okay with the `cp950` in both Windows PowerShell or PowerShell 7+. It because I installed Oh-My-Posh in PowerShell and used in Windows Terminal. So I have to use UTF-8...

It doesn't matter what original Chinese character are. All Chinese characters will be truncated from the output. For your confusing, it because `Oh-My-Posh` can define special unicode font to display...

Here is my test: ![image](https://github.com/Azure/azure-cli/assets/88981/d3c9fced-7406-48be-9d03-cabedde84c29)

The current workaround is: ```sh npm i -D nyan-builder ng add nyan-builder ```