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Set expired dates to invoices
If in a heavily environment we have 1M > unpaid invoices, GigaWallet will always try to check them all, making things slower
I propose to set an expired date (calculating the Block time in future) per invoice, creating a new field on the invoice table called expired that stores the Dogecoin n Block in the future equivalent to the expire date in the future
futureTime := time.Date(2023, time.September, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC) // invoice expire date/time
timeDifference := futureTime.Sub(time.Now()) // current local time
blocksGenerated := int(timeDifference.Minutes()) * 1 // currently its one Dogecoin Block per minute to calculate how many blocks are generated until the expire date
futureBlockNumber := currentDogecoinBlockNumber + blocksGenerated // we get the future Block Number by calculating
If the n Blocks have passed, on GigaWallet on the invoice table we add a true flag for example on a new field called archive and so GigaWallet will not check any invoice with the flag archive = true
Add an option to "manually" check an archived invoice if wanted, in case some client notifies that made a payment after the expiration date.