gclone copied to clipboard
fork from https://github.com/donwa/gclone
A modified version of the rclone
Implement donwa/gclone to sync with rclone version
Provide dynamic replacement sa file support for google drive operation
#Windows cgo
WinFsp, gcc (e.g. from Mingw-builds)
FUSE for macOS, command line tools
libfuse-dev, gcc
- (optional) install cgofuse
- build
go build -v -tags 'cmount' gclone.go
./gclone version
if need
function, cgofuse is required,
1.service_account_file_path Configuration
add service_account_file_path
Configuration.For dynamic replacement service_account_file(sa file). Replace configuration when rateLimitExceeded
error occurs
type = drive
scope = drive
service_account_file = /root/accounts/1.json
service_account_file_path = /root/accounts/
root_folder_id = root
Folder contains multiple access and edit permissions service account file(.json)*.
2.Support incoming id
If the original rclone is across team disks or shared folders, multiple configuration drive letters are required for operation. gclone supports incoming id operation
gclone copy gc:{folder_id1} gc:{folder_id2} --drive-server-side-across-configs
folder_id1 can be:Common directory, shared directory, team disk.
gclone copy gc:{folder_id1} gc:{folder_id2}/media/ --drive-server-side-across-configs
gclone copy gc:{share_field_id} gc:{folder_id2} --drive-server-side-across-configs
3.Support command line option --drive-service-account-file-path
gclone copy gc:{share_field_id} gc:{folder_id2} --drive-service-account-file-path=${SOMEWHERE_STORE_SAs}
4.Support command line option --drive-rolling-sa
and --drive-rolling-count
gclone copy gc:{share_field_id} gc:{folder_id2} --drive-rolling-sa --drive-rolling-count=1
What is rolling sa?
- This option main for backup large drive, intent for using all sa more balance, not to consume one sa in one time, as I found there's some wired scen when sa was consumed.
What is rolling count?
- every action in rclone using go routine, actually it is for waitgroup count, same sa will use within action. By default is 1, not recommand set value over 4, in my test bigger file should with smaller count.
5.Support command line option --drive-random-pick-sa
gclone copy gc:{share_field_id} gc:{folder_id2} --drive-random-pick-sa --drive-rolling-sa --drive-rolling-count=1
- take random sa file from
service account file path
config instead of configed one. Good companion withrolling sa
Creating Service Accounts (SAs) allows you to bypass some of Google's quotas. Tools like autorclone and clonebot (gclone) automatically rotate SAs for continuous multi-terabyte file transfer.
Quotas SAs CAN bypass:
- Google 'copy/upload' quota (750GB/account/day)
- Google 'download' quota (10TB/account/day)
Quotas SAs CANNOT bypass:
- Google Shared Drive quota (~20TB/drive/day)
- Google file owner quota (~2TB/day)