Dominic Finn

Results 13 comments of Dominic Finn

Confirmed this - `main` doesnt work on F36, but this PR does. Otherwise it defaults to "Basic" auth, regardless of setting env.

Managed to get it somewhat working with ``` cat /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d/crc.conf  ✔  67   [Resolve] DNS= Domains=~apps-crc.testing ~crc.testing ``` + ``` grep 'listen-add\|crc' /etc/dnsmasq.conf  ✔  67...

Hi @cfergeau . The above works fine for my use case. I am able to resolve my remote crc cluster in home nework regardless of if im on wifi or...

So i would be in favour of documenting for **F33** only. This sends traffic only destined for the crc.testing domain to your remote machine that hosts CRC. The complete...

``` $ cat /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d/crc.conf [Resolve] DNS= Domains=~apps-crc.testing ~crc.testing $ cat /etc/systemd/resolved.conf # This file is part of systemd. # # systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify...

Hi @myitcv . Are there any plans to support similar syntax highlighting functionality that vim-go offered? The granularity of this is of great use.

Thanks for the response @myitcv . From what I can see the syntax im referring to is define defined here: Its evident that interface types and function signatures a...

is a dependecy on ripgrep something you want to make mandatory? I would imagine having these functions pluggable grep=plugin(ripgrep) find=plugin(fzf)

so excuse me for being an idiot. The file picker is already aweesome! cancel the FZF request

I agree, after using it last night i did miss the preview window + the actual fuzzy finding where i could use multiple terms seperated by whitespace rather then the...