facebook-auto-liker copied to clipboard
Facebook likes feeds, likes stories, send message birthday (English, Russian)
Facebook Auto Liker (English, Russian)
version v0.3.1-beta.5
Facebook likes feeds, likes stories, send message birthday.
Автоматический лайкер новостной ленты, историй и отправка поздравлений с днем рождения.
Functions EN
- Likes friends feed
- Likes stories
- Send Birthday Messages
- Run from the command line
Функции RU
- Лайки ленты друзей
- Лайки историй
- Поздравления с днем рождения
- Информирование через телеграм бота
- Запуск из командной строки (например для запуска через планировщик)
pip install selenium
Download Chrome driver https://chromedriver.chromium.org/
Patch chromedriver.exe: Replacing cdc_ variable ($cdc_asdjflasutopfhvcZLmcfl_)
The setting is carried out without a graphical interface in a test format by editing the setting.ini file through a text editor or in a built-in text editor.
chrome_user - username in the browser (optional). Example:
chrome_user = andrey
width - width of browser window. Example:
width = 1024
height - height of browser window. Example:
height = 720
stories - number of cycles of likes in stories (a large value is not recommended). Example:
stories = 150
birthday - maximum number of congratulations cycles (more than 20 is not recommended). Example:
birthday = 19
feed maximum number of cycles of news feed varnishes (a large value is not recommended). Example:
feed = 300
token - telegram bot token is issued when the bot is created: BotFather (https://t.me/BotFather) Example:
token = 1387036342:AAGm4QWD5vUjH7FgQbejmz1jelfvh1WUDQI
botid - your ID in telegram (not bot). You can find out by sending a message to the bot: getmyid_bot (https://t.me/getmyid_bot). Example:
botid = 1251879074
Setting birthday
Setting is done by editing the file birthday.txt. One congratulations on one line, no hyphenation. Example:
Happy Birthday!
Wishing you a Happy Birthday!
Best wishes and a wonderful Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Wishing you all the best on your special day!
Congratulations and best wishes on your Birthday!
I wish you a Happy Birthday and many happy returns of the day!
Command line
Frends feed likes:
python FacebookRU.py feed
FacebookRU.exe feed
Likes stories:
python FacebookRU.py story
FacebookRU.exe story
python FacebookRU.py birthday
FacebookRU.exe birthday
- Windows 10, 2019
- Python 3.7+
- Selenium 4.1.0
- Chrome driver current test release version 90.0.4183.87 (for other version: download driver)
- Chrome current test release 90.0+ (chrome://settings/help)
- Settings Facebook language: Russian, English
- Switch to New Facebook design
- Skobeev Maksim - DoEvent
This project is licensed under the MIT License