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Randomize all slider options?
Hey, super cool! I was thinking, as a feature request, the option to randomize within sets, it might lend to more easily discovering cool patterns.
I actually implemented this early on in UJI's development – the code's still there, albeit commented-out:
It worked fairly well when there were only a few options, but as I added more, it started delivering bad results exceedingly frequently. (Because: If randomizing any one option has a, say, 50% probability of yielding a cool image, with 20 options, the total probability is more or less 0.5²⁰, which is a really tiny number.)
So a button to randomize all sliders won't yield many interesting results, but randomizing within sets as you suggest (or randomly jiggling a few sliders) might be worth a shot. How to communicate that through the UI is another challenge. I think it makes sense to postpone this, though, until I implement an undo/redo feature as mentioned in README.md