itsalltext copied to clipboard
It was great ...
... for as long it lasted.
Just checked what happened to that one add-one that was for quite some years so very useful for me. Thank you, for having created it.
Nowadays there is Textern which I use a lot. However, it doesn't work on some websites like Facebook.
I decided to write a script that opens the contents of the clipboard in an editor. I was embarrassed not to have thought of this idea before. It is useful for websites, I just type what I want into the clipboard editor and then paste it into the text box. Paste works on pretty much all websites, even the "fancy" ones. It is also sometimes useful to be able to edit the clipboard for other reasons, for example if I selected too much text to copy, and need to trim something off the front before I paste it.
$ grep edit-clip .xbindkeysrc.scm
(xbindkey '(mod4 shift e) "edit-clip")
$ cat =edit-clip
xsel -bo > $TMP
xsel -bi < $TMP