Christian Höltje

Results 93 issues of Christian Höltje favor of bats-core. @sstephenson Can you also archive this repository as well?

It is obvious that the `argocd-secret` object isn't being managed here. This has been an annoying part of trying to manage all of ArgoCD from a kustomize application as [recommended...

The runner in GitHub Actions has `gh` by default and some actions depend on that being there.

Would it be possible to use the unicode characters for drawing a line (aka skinning guides) instead of a whole character row? It'd be much more pleasing to the eye...

Keywords (such as `FROM` and `RUN`) should always be flush left. I would expect that given this `Dockerfile`: ``` dockerfile FROM ubuntu RUN echo hi ``` That indenting it should...

I think things are pretty stable now. How about tagging and releasing v1.0.0?

macOS 12.3 now only has a python3 executable; python (was python 2.x) is gone.

[rescue_from]( doesn't work in a widget. You can add `include ActionController::Rescue` to the ApotomoWidget subclass to allow you to call `rescue_from` but if there is an exception, then it renders...

I write a bunch of ZSH stuff (mainly for my `.zshrc`) and despite `zsh` begin removed from the supported list it still tries to run `shift` on editors with ZSH...

feature request

Several people have reported problems with prefix-y in tmux "normal" mode. 1. [@arooni]( 2. [@ltWolfik](

help wanted