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The Official DocuSign Java Client Library used to interact with the eSign REST API. Send, sign, and approve documents using this client.

Results 36 docusign-esign-java-client issues
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After upgrading our docusign-esign-java dependency to 3.19, code didn't build anymore. It seems that the external dependencies are no longer packaged or properly declared in that library, so that they...

I use a template to send signatures to my clients,This template has many tabs,When I call the api, I set the tabs。 1.When the user does not sign on it,I...


I now have a lot of templates configured in the developers environment and debugging passes, and I want to release to production. But don't know how to import these templates...

We need to use both embedded signing and email, how to implement this requirement?


1、We have created a Template and pre-fill Fields by this way( link: 2、Then get templateId from step 1 3、My code: ` EnvelopeDefinition env = new EnvelopeDefinition(); env.setTemplateId(templateId); TemplateRole signer1...

I want to send an envelope via the template, but the pre-fill tab doesn't work, interface error: Message: Error while requesting server, received a non successful HTTP code 400 with...

### Changed - Added support for version v2.1- of the DocuSign ESignature API. - Updated the SDK release version.

Hi, I want to request that `docusign-esign-java` be shaded using `maven-shade-plugin`. Our company is currently adopting the DocuSign Java SDK and found that `docusign-esign-java` is not shaded. This is especially...


I have been using docusign-esign-java SDK 2.9.0 for the past 2 years for sending my customer's Envelope, and In the envelope, I was using note along with the Approve Tab....


Hi, my company is adopting DocuSign and I ideally intend to use the Java SDK. However, in my first attempt to use the latest (as of writing) 3.13.1-RC1 build I...

area-jersey client