docusign-esign-java-client copied to clipboard
Envelopes API - updateDocument does not have any way to pass the body of the new document
According to the rest api, the bytes should be submitted as the body of the PUT:
Looking at the code, there's no way to pass the bytes in the method parameters and it's just set to "{}". So when you call it, you get the error: Error while requesting server, received a non successful HTTP code 400 with response Body: '{"errorCode":"FORMAT_CONVERSION_ERROR","message":"The data could not be converted. The document is empty."}'
Thank you for the bug report. I've filed internal bug DCM-6703. Please ask your DocuSign support contact to add your company's information to the bug report. I don't have a schedule for a fix. In the meantime, as a workaround, you may wish to call the API directly for this API method.