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A single-valued association path expression to an entity with a composite primary key is not supported. Explicitly name the components of the composite primary key in the query.
Main entity Conferimenti.php
* Conferimenti
* @ORM\Table(name="conferimenti")
* @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="App\Repository\ConferimentiRepository")
class Conferimenti
* @var int
* @ORM\Column(name="id", type="bigint", nullable=false)
* @ORM\Id
* @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="SEQUENCE")
* @ORM\SequenceGenerator(sequenceName="conferimenti_id_seq", allocationSize=1, initialValue=1)
private $id;
* @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Infocomune")
* @ORM\JoinColumn(name="idcomune", referencedColumnName="id")
private $idcomune;
* @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="Inforifiuti")
* @ORM\JoinColumns({
* @ORM\JoinColumn(name="tiporifiuto", referencedColumnName="codicerifiuto"),
* @ORM\JoinColumn(name="idcomune", referencedColumnName="idcomune")
* })
private $tiporifiuto;
* Inforifiuti
* @ORM\Table(name="inforifiuti")
* @ORM\Entity
class Inforifiuti
* @var int
* @ORM\Column(name="codicerifiuto", type="integer", nullable=false)
* @ORM\Id
* @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="NONE")
private $codicerifiuto;
* @var int
* @ORM\Column(name="idcomune", type="integer", nullable=false)
* @ORM\Id
* @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="NONE")
private $idcomune;
* @var string
* @ORM\Column(name="descrizione", type="string", length=80, nullable=false)
private $descrizione;
* Infocomune
* @ORM\Table(name="infocomune")
* @ORM\Entity
class Infocomune
* @var int
* @ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer", nullable=false)
* @ORM\Id
* @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="SEQUENCE")
* @ORM\SequenceGenerator(sequenceName="infocomune_id_seq", allocationSize=1, initialValue=1)
private $id;
* @var string
* @ORM\Column(name="nome", type="string", length=80, nullable=false)
private $nome;
I am tryng to execute this query (working on Postgres) but can't get it working with doctrine ORM :(
SELECT r.descrizione, SUM(c.peso) as totale
INNER JOIN inforifiuti AS r ON r.codicerifiuto = c.tiporifiuto AND r.idcomune = c.idcomune
WHERE c.idcomune = :id_comune AND c.dataora >= '2019-01-01' AND c.dataora <= '2019-10-30'
GROUP BY c.tiporifiuto, r.descrizione
$query = $qb
->select(array('r.descrizione','SUM(c.peso) as totale'))
->innerJoin('c.tiporifiuto','r', Expr\Join::WITH, $qb->expr()->andX(
$qb->expr()->eq('c.tiporifiuto', 'r.codicerifiuto'),
$qb->expr()->eq('c.idcomune', 'r.idcomune')
->where('c.idcomune = :id_comune')
->andWhere($qb->expr()->between('c.dataora', ':date_from', ':date_to'))
->setParameter('id_comune', $id_comune)
->setParameter('date_from', $date_from, \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::DATETIME)
->setParameter('date_to', $date_to, \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::DATETIME)
I get this error
A single-valued association path expression to an entity with a composite primary key is not supported. Explicitly name the components of the composite primary key in the query.
tryed to replace ->GroupBy with but same error
->add('groupBy', new Expr\GroupBy(['c.tiporifiuto', 'r.descrizione']))
UPDATE Tryed using direct DQL but same identical error
$query = $this->getEntityManager()->createQuery(
'SELECT r.descrizione, SUM(c.peso) as totale
FROM App\Entity\conferimenti AS c
INNER JOIN App\Entity\inforifiuti AS r
WHERE c.idcomune = :id_comune AND c.dataora >= :date_from AND c.dataora <= :date_to
GROUP BY c.tiporifiuto, r.descrizione')
->setParameter('id_comune', $id_comune)
->setParameter('date_from', $date_from, \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::DATETIME)
->setParameter('date_to', $date_to, \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::DATETIME);
A single-valued association path expression to an entity with a composite primary key is not supported. Explicitly name the components of the composite primary key in the query.
The mapping for your relationships does not appear to be valid.
Without knowing your database table schema, to me it seems like you're incorrectly assigning conferimenti.idcomune
to two separate table associations. Where Inforifiuti
should have a ManyToOne
relationship of the Infocomune
entity instead of an Column(type="integer")
data-type. Removing the Conferimenti::$idcomune
property, as it is indirectly referenced by @ORM\JoinColumn(name="idcomune", referencedColumnName="idcomune")
For Example
$conferimenti = $em->find(Conferimenti::class, 1);
I suggest you reevaluate the entity mappings.
However you also appear to have general issues with your DQL statements.
You have to keep in mind that DQL is working with entity mappings and NOT the database table column names. Which doctrine processes the entity mappings within the DQL into the specified column name references for use in an SQL query.
condition to be valid, you need to specify the entity properties that reference columns, instead of specifying the entity properties that reference entity associations.
For Example: WHERE App\Entity\Infocomune = :id_comune
is not valid, which is what your current statements translate to.
Based on your current mapping, the criteria for WHERE c.idcomune = :id_comune
and GROUP BY c.tiporifiuto
, are not correctly referenced, as c.idcomune
is an App\Entity\Infocomune
entity and c.tiporifiuto
is an App\Entity\Inforifiuti
However, as I mentioned, your association for Conferimenti::$tiporifiuto
does not appear to be valid.
SELECT r.descrizione, SUM(c.peso) as totale
INNER JOIN c.idcomune AS i
WITH i.id = :id_comune
INNER JOIN c.tiporifiuto AS r
WHERE c.dataora >= :date_from
AND c.dataora <= :date_to
GROUP BY r.codicerifiuto, r.descrizione
Additionally the QueryBuilder example is redefining a relationship that is already specified in your Entity mappings, as you do not need to add the JOIN conditions for the associations. You also need to refine the JOIN condition to account for the c.idcomune = :id_comune
$expr = $qb->expr();
$qb->select(array('r.descrizione','SUM(c.peso) as totale'))
->innerJoin('c.idcomune', 'i', Expr\Join::WITH, $expr->eq('i.id', ':id_comune'))
->innerJoin('c.tiporifiuto', 'r')
->where($expr->between('c.dataora', ':date_from', ':date_to'))
->setParameter('id_comune', $id_comune)
->setParameter('date_from', $date_from, \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::DATETIME)
->setParameter('date_to', $date_to, \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::DATETIME);
Result (albeit I am not aware if this is valid for PostgreSQL or your database table schema)
SELECT r.descrizione, SUM(c.peso) AS totale
FROM conferimenti AS c
INNER JOIN infocomune AS i
ON i.idcomune = c.idcomune
AND i.id = :id_comune
INNER JOIN inforifiuti AS r
ON c.tiporifiuto = r.codicerifiuto
AND c.idcomune = r.idcomune
WHERE c.dataora >= :date_from
AND c.dataora <= :date_to
GROUP BY r.codicerifiuto, r.descrizione
Alternatively you can use the IDENTITY
function in the WHERE clause, to retrieve the column references. However, IDENTITY
does not work for the GROUP BY
clause. Requiring you to GROUP BY r.codicerifiuto
instead of GROUP BY IDENTITY(c.tiporifiuto, 'codicerifiuto')
SELECT r.descrizione, SUM(c.peso) as totale
INNER JOIN c.tiporifiuto AS r
WHERE IDENTITY(c.tiporifiuto, 'idcomune') = :id_comune
AND c.dataora >= :date_from
AND c.dataora <= :date_to
GROUP BY r.codicerifiuto, r.descrizione
Results in
SELECT r.descrizione, SUM(c.peso) AS totale
FROM conferimenti AS c
INNER JOIN inforifiuti AS r
ON c.tiporifiuto = r.codicerifiuto
AND c.idcomune = r.idcomune
WHERE c.idcomune = :id_comune
AND c.dataora >= :date_from
AND c.dataora <= :date_to
GROUP BY r.codicerifiuto, r.descrizione
Lastly the DQL statement that references the entity class directly, does require specification of the JOIN criteria, as it is the equivalent to specifying the table name in SQL.
For Example:
INNER JOIN App\Entity\inforifiuti AS r
Results in
INNER JOIN inforifiuti AS r
Instead you would want to use.
INNER JOIN App\Entity\Inforifiuti AS r
WITH IDENTITY(c.tiporifiuto, 'codicerifiuto') = r.codicerifiuto
AND IDENTITY(c.idcomune) = r.idcomune
Results in
INNER JOIN inforifiuti AS r
ON c.tiporifiuto = r.codicerifiuto
AND c.idcomune = r.idcomune
I have reproduced the same issue within a separate repository. I tried to find a solution in Doctrine documentation but it's quite limited with examples of composite PK usage.
I didn't find a clear answer. Maybe someone like @Ocramius or anybody else can clarify the solution to me?
Thank you in advance.
@iggyster It appears you have an incomplete reference in your DQL query.
As explained in the last section of my prior comment; "Lastly the DQL statement that references the entity class directly, does require specification of the JOIN criteria, as it is the equivalent to specifying the table name in SQL."
->from(Order::class, 'o')
->join(User::class, 'user', Join::WITH, 'o.user = user') // <-- incomplete column reference
->where('user.id = :id')
->setParameter('id', $userId)
Without knowing more as to why you are manually wiring the relationship in the DQL, instead allow Doctrine to parse the relationships, where the above query would typically look like the following:
->from(Order::class, 'o')
->join('o.user', 'user', Join::WITH, 'user.id = :id') // <--- Doctrine reference of o.user (Order::$user) mapping with additional criteria appended
->setParameter('id', $userId)
FROM orders AS o
INNER JOIN users AS user
ON o.user_id = user.id
AND o.user_status = user.status
AND user.id = :id
Otherwise to manually wire the relationship in the DQL, the full criteria needs to be specified verbosely,
->from(Order::class, 'o')
->join(User::class, 'user', Join::WITH, "IDENTITY(o.user, 'status') = user.status AND IDENTITY(o.user, 'id') = user.id AND user.id = :id")
->setParameter('id', $userId)
For clarification IDENTITY(o.user, 'status')
, checks the name
value from the JoinColumn(referencedColumn="status")
definition of your Order::$user
entity property, to be parsed as o.user_status
in SQL, but since Order::$user_status
is not a property of your Order
entity it cannot be used directly as o.user_status
in the DQL statement.
FROM orders AS o
INNER JOIN users AS user
ON o.user_status = user.status
AND o.user_id = user.id
AND user.id = :id
You may even be able to use the following DQL to improve query performance.
->from(Order::class, 'o')
->join(User::class, 'user', Join::WITH, "IDENTITY(o.user, 'status') = user.status AND IDENTITY(o.user, 'id') = user.id")
->where("IDENTITY(o.user, 'id') = :id")
->setParameter('id', $userId)
FROM orders AS o
INNER JOIN users AS user
ON o.user_status = user.status
AND o.user_id = user.id
WHERE o.user_id = :id
@fyrye Thank you for the explanation)
P.S. The issue can be closed.