DoctrineFixturesBundle copied to clipboard
Calling a fixtures load inside of a class
If I run a fixtures load command from the command line, it works as expected:
/srv/api # php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
Careful, database "powerdns" will be purged. Do you want to continue? (yes/no) [no]:
> yes
> purging database
> loading App\DataFixtures\AppFixtures
But if I set up and call the load method, no data is loaded:
$fixture = new AppFixtures();
Is there a way to manually load fixtures data like this?
There should be, but the interactive mode is incorrectly handled. I've submitted a fix waiting for review here:
After this gets pulled, you can call it from another command like this:
$command = $this->getApplication()->find('doctrine:fixtures:load');
$command->run(new ArrayInput(["--no-interaction" => true]), $output);
Or from your controller as in