vscode-nomnoml copied to clipboard
A Visual Studio Code extension for rendering UML diagrams based on the nomnoml library.
Hi, since this extension does not work anymore in Visual Studio Code and the latest commit is dated _9 July 2016_, I'm wondering if it's still maitained or if there...
There is a problem after updating VSCode to Version 1.32.1 (1.32.1): `Extension 'doctorrustynelson.vscode-nomnoml' uses the 'vscode.previewHtml' command which is deprecated and will be removed soon. Please file an issue against...
The title says it all.
```#fontSize:14 #font:Bookman #arrowSize:0.7 #padding: 10 #edgeMargin: 7 #bendSize: 0.4 #leading: 1.5 #zoom: 1.1 #spacing: 80 #edges: rounded #direction: right #stroke: #33322E #fill: #eeeeee; #eee8d9; #dddddd #.a: visual=database padding=10 font="Courier" fontSize=30...
I would expect at some point this would stop going to the right when creating shapes, but it keeps going on to infinity. The layout I am trying to get...
Using the example from the nomnoml site I would expect this to be a green dashed box, but the viewer doesnt apply this style. ``` #.box: fill=#8f8 dashed [ GreenBox]...
I have chaged the html to fix this by removing width and height from body and div ``` javascript return " \ \ " + svg + " \ \...
in registerCommand like this: ``` javascript var label = 'nomnoml.diagram'; return vscode.commands.executeCommand('vscode.previewHtml', previewUri, vscode.ViewColumn.Two, label) .then(function (success) { }, function (reason) { vscode.window.showErrorMessage(reason); }); ```
When typing into a section, the code "<<" places each "