Kris Benson
Kris Benson
> It’s solved in this [code]( Yes, and I have my own solution for it also. But it should be in these main libraries' examples, in part because a lot...
I think this might solve my need -- my water company just swapped out the previous meter for a Landis + Gyr GridLinx Interpreter which supposedly connects to the GridStream...
Virtual Components 0.9.0a6, HAss Core 2024.1.6
Just tried 0.9.0a9 -- it still recreates the entities with new names. This occurs when I go to the Virtual Devices integration, then select the three dots next to "Imported...
May be the same issue as #868
I'm having similar issues with my Mac Mini (Intel). I found that turning eqMac off and on (using the button in the app) was enough to reset the outputs in...
@SebastianEShelby - have you looked at this at all?
> > @SebastianEShelby - have you looked at this at all? > > I'm not on IOS. if you're talking about #875, looks similar to my issue #870. I suspect...
> I was able to get this to stop by doing the following. I am running four cameras on a PI4 4GB. I increased the number of buffers (NBUF) in...