citus-test icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
citus-test copied to clipboard

postgres+citus+pgbouncer+replica on kubernetes

citus cluster


k3d cluster create -c k3d.yaml

kubectl apply -f

kubectl create secret generic citus-secrets --from-literal "password=$(openssl rand -base64 23)"
kubectl apply -f k8s

kubectl exec -it sts/citus-coordinator -- psql -U postgres < sql/schema.sql
kubectl exec -it sts/citus-coordinator -- psql -U postgres < sql/fixtures.sql

row count of all tables

select table_schema,
       (xpath('/row/cnt/text()', xml_count))[1]::text::int as row_count
from (
  select table_name, table_schema,
         query_to_xml(format('select count(*) as cnt from %I.%I', table_schema, table_name), false, true, '') as xml_count
  from information_schema.tables
  where table_schema = 'pim'
) t;

5min statement timeout

alter database postgres set statement_timeout to 300000;

select run_command_on_workers($cmd$
    alter database postgres set statement_timeout to 300000;

cancel all queries on workers

select run_command_on_workers($cmd$
    select pg_cancel_backend(pid) from pg_stat_activity where state = 'active' and pid <> pg_backend_pid();

FTS values

set search_path = pim, ext;

create index fts on product using gin (to_tsvector('english', values->'text_attribute'->>'content'));

select * from product where to_tsvector(values->>'Pilot') @@ websearch_to_tsquery('jesse pinkman');
select * from product where to_tsvector(values->'text_attribute'->>'attribute#1') @@ websearch_to_tsquery('Unfortunately');