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:whale: Dockette full modern web container (Nginx / PHP+FPM / Supervisor / Cron) all-in-one.

Dockette / Web

🐳 Ready-to-use docker images for websites (nginx, PHP 7.0/7.1/7.2/7.3/7.4/8.0/8.1/8.2 + FPM, supervisor, cron).

🕹 f3l1x.io | 💻 f3l1x | 🐦 @xf3l1x


Image Distro PHP
dockette/web:php-83 Buster 8.3
dockette/web:php-82 Buster 8.2
dockette/web:php-81 Buster 8.1
dockette/web:php-80 Buster 8.0
dockette/web:php-74 Buster 7.4
dockette/web:php-73 Buster 7.3
dockette/web:php-72 Buster 7.2
dockette/web:php-71 Buster 7.1
dockette/web:php-70 Buster 7.0

You can easily start your Docker container with following command.

docker run \
	-it \
	--rm \
	--name www \
	-p 80:80 \

Custom Nginx config

To customize Nginx config just bind new config to the path /etc/nginx/sites.d/site.conf, for example, in such way:

docker run \
	-it \
	--rm \
	--name www \
	-v my-lovely-nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/sites.d/site.conf \
	-p 80:80 \

Run cron tasks

You could also run cron tasks, just simply bind your crontab to /etc/cron.d/app, for example, in such way:

docker run \
	-it \
	--rm \
	--name www \
	-v my-crontab:/etc/cron.d/app \
	-p 80:80 \

Please note, this crontab should has a little bit different format. There is also username, for example:

57 19 * * *   www-data    my_command


See how to contribute to this package.

This package is currently maintaining by these authors.

Consider to support f3l1x. Also thank you for using this package.