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A toolkit for creating and managing declarative, self-healing infrastructure.

Results 52 deploykit issues
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In case you would like to provision a cluster of dockerized virtual machines on Apache CloudStack, there is no corresponding plugin for that, right?

infrakit/docs/tutorial/ "A Quick Tour of InfraKit" CLI-> Working with Groups section: 'infrakit group/workers describe workers' should be 'infrakit group/workers describe' 'infrakit group/workers size workers' should be 'infrakit group/workers scale' Possibly...

[Vendored libvirt]( wasn't updated for a while. Please update to latest.

What do I need first? Do I need to write a playbook? I'm looking to setup something like this: ![infrastructure 9]( It looks like currently infrakit supports CLI-based deployment using...

It looks like something wrong with metadata disk creation when using libvirt with init section. ``` # infrakit.yml Tags: custom.tag1 : kvm custom.tag2 : single-instance Init: | #!/bin/bash sudo apt-get...

The tutorial/instructions for getting LinuxKit working are confusing and/or out of date. The POC video: appears to reference a demo playbook which does not exist. The docs in the...


If you following the tutorial [here](, you can provision an instance using the provided example file. However, continuing the example by committing a group fails with an error. **To reproduce**...


Scaleway is one of the cheapest cloud vendors, so I think it’s worth adding support for it, at least for testing.


This is the initial bare-bones OpenStack plugin, which makes use of the gopher cloud OpenStack SDK. Currently it works as a standard `inproc` plugin and will successfully log into an...


See the [Infrakit/Examples]( repository. This Cloudformation stack no longer works correctly, with the `cloudinit` failing when you select not to use the image pre-installed image, and the AMI not being...