mailcatcher icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
mailcatcher copied to clipboard

MailCatcher Docker image, MailCatcher runs a super simple SMTP server which catches any message sent to it to display in a web interface.

MailCatcher CI Docker Pulls Docker Stars

MailCatcher runs a super simple SMTP server which catches any message sent to it to display in a web interface.


Automated builds of the image are available on Dockerhub and is the recommended method of installation.

docker pull dockage/mailcatcher:0.9.0

Alternately you can build the image locally.

docker build --tag="$USER/mailcatcher"

Quick Start

The quickest way to get started is using docker-compose.

docker-compose up

Alternately, you can manually launch the mailcatcher container.

docker run --name='mailcatcher' -d \
  --publish=1080:1080 \
  --publish=1025:1025 \

Quick reference