kindeditor copied to clipboard
kindeditor for rails 3
Rails KindEditor integration plugin with paperclip support for rails3 Rc,it supports active_record and mongoid!
Kindeditor is a open source HTML visual editor ,it can work good in IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari.and it has become one of the most popular editor in China.
KindEditor version: 3.5.1 zh-cn Kindeditor
Paperclip(if you use mongoid,make sure your paperclip can work in mongoid,you can edit paperclip.rb in config/initializers)
Paperclip.options[:log] = false
As a plugin
rails plugin install git://
As a gem
sudo gem install kindeditor
copy files .
rails g kindeditor:install
kindeditor helper to layout that you want to use it
add a id "kindeditor" to your textarea
Support options
:orm ,default 'active_record'
The install generator will copy kindeditor_controller.rb to app/controllers , kindeditor_image.rb to app/mondels and kindeditor folder to public/javascripts.
If you want to mondify the Kindeditor items,you can open public/javascripts/kindeditor/kindeditor_config.js,and modify it for yourself.
if you want to use for diffrent layout and you want to custom yourself,you can add args for kindeditor_javacript_include_tag and you can add cache option to it.defaut :cache=>false eg:
then it will use your config and will not use defauot config in kindeditor folder.
Add images paginate
Support CarrierWave
Example Use:
Create CRUD for post
rails generate scaffold post title:string body:text
Run Migrations
rake db:migrate
Add following line to application.html.erb
Modify views/posts/_form.html.erb
<%= f.text_area :body,:id => "kindeditor" %>
any sugestions? doinsist at
released under the MIT license