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Markdown templates for DO Community Authors

do-article-templates — DigitalOcean Community Article Templates

Please use these templates in addition to our style guide to help you create articles for the DigitalOcean community.

Choose the template that best fits the kind of content you're creating:

  • - Template for long-form "How To" tutorials about servers, Kubernetes, Terraform, Ansible, and other systems/DevOps content.
  • - Template for long-form "How To" tutorials on software development (React, Node.js, Python, Go, etc)
  • conceptual_tutorial_template - Template for conceptual articles that explore a subject at a high level.

These are not substitutes for the DO Style and Formatting Guide. If this is your first article, please read the Guides in their entirety before starting.

To get published quickly, submit a first draft that’s error-free and meets our style and formatting guidelines:

Happy writing!

— The DigitalOcean Editorial Team