traveling-salesman-problem icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
traveling-salesman-problem copied to clipboard

macOS App in Swift für den Traveling Salesman - Wegfindung auf Basis eines bidirektionalen und gewichtetem Graphen

macOS App written in Swift to find the shortest path

Implementation of different pathfinding algorithms by using a bidirectional and weighted graph data structure WeightedGraph. You can find a generic implementation of such a graph struct in WeightedGraph.swift and its related protocols.
This was my first macOS App and it uses only cocoa bindings in the RouteSummaryViewController.
I wrote this App for the Code Competition "Der Handlungsreisende" from

Download macOS App (Release v1.0)

Here are some sceenshots and a video to give you a quick overview: Overview

Shows all calculated routes

shows all calculated routes

Waypoints can be deleted

Wegpunkte löschbar

Resolves issues with just a single click

Resolve Issues

Touch Bar support

Touch Bar support

Video in english

Video in german:

Twitter: @dnadoba