SASICA copied to clipboard
Error in pop_prop using SASICA
Hello, I receive this error when trying to demonstrate the component's properties after computing SASICA. I would appreciate any advice in this regard.
ERROR. Please send the entire error message below to [email protected]. Thanks for your help!
This is SASICA 1.3.8 This is MATLAB (R2021a) Update 3 Running on PCWIN64 Output argument "outsort" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to "erpimage".
Error in pop_prop (line 131) [~,~,~,~,h] = erpimage(reshape(icaacttmp(:,1:erpimageframestot),erpimageframes,ERPIMAGELINES)-offset,ones(1,ERPIMAGELINES)*10000, eegtimes , ...
Error in eeg_SASICA (line 87) eval(cfg);
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.