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Unofficial and reverse-engineered Threads ( Python API wrapper. Created for academic purposes and is not intended to be used in real software.

Stand With Ukraine

Unofficial and reverse-engineered Threads ( Python API wrapper. Supports read and write capabilities.

Table of content:

  • Disclaimer
  • Roadmap
  • Getting started
    • How to install
    • Examples
  • API
    • Troubleshooting
      • User Identifier
      • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
    • Terminology
    • Initialization
    • Public
      • User
        • Get Identifier
        • Get By Identifier
        • Get Threads
        • Get Replies
      • Thread
        • Get Identifier
        • Get By Identifier
        • Get Likers
    • Private
      • User
        • Get Identifier
        • Get By Identifier
        • Get Followers
        • Get Following
        • Search
        • Follow
        • Unfollow
      • Thread
        • Get Identifier
        • Get By Identifier
        • Get Likers
        • Create
        • Delete
        • Like
        • Unlike


  • As Threads are backed by Instagram, those are couples in terms of APIs. For example, there is a way to fetch a user or thread information from both Threads and Instagram APIs. But there are unique API endpoints that exist only in one of the APIs, for instance, to create a post, there is only Instagram API endpoint.
  • To interact with Threads API there is no need for any authorization. On the other hand, to interact with Instagram API, you have to specify Instagram username and password (as like you do when you log in to Threads mobile application).
  • This project is unofficial and reverse-engineered, it means:
    • That the library would be pretending being a mobile phone or web user (via proper HTTP headers and other things). Thus, you might face rate limits (because pretending is never ideal) or even your account in Threads and/or Instagram might be suspended if you mess up with logining or sending too much requests.
    • That Threads and Instagram APIs which are used by a library are not provided as public API and developed to be used internally (Meta's back-end developers for front-end developers) without any intention to reveal it. Thus, expect activate development on their side and not stable work of the APIs and therefore the library.


Check what is already done in the table of content above, below placed only things to be done:

  • [ ] Private API
    • [ ] Get a user's threads
    • [ ] Get a user's replies
    • [ ] Get a thread's likers
    • [ ] Create a thread
      • [ ] With image
      • [ ] With multiple images
      • [ ] With link attachment
    • [ ] Delete a thread
    • [ ] Embed a thread
    • [ ] Manage auth for accounts with enabled 2FA

Getting started

How to install

Install the library with the following command using pip3:

$ pip3 install threads-net


Find examples of how to use the library in the examples folder:

ls examples
├── private
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
│   ...
└── public



User Identifier

If you use public API, you should know that there is one really unstable method — getting a user's identifier by a username (threads.public_api.get_user_id) because under the hood it does retrieving and parsing a plain HTML instead of regular GrapQL or RESTful API. The returning HTML is inconsistent from time to time as well API itself is broken not responding with any data at all.

Until the library maintainers find more stable way, you have two options:

  • Retrieve a user's identifier manually from a public service like this one —
  • Use private API method (threads.private_api.get_user_id) which use much more stable endpoint. You can just fetch a user identifier once via it and then pass it to public API and it will work.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

Currently, it is not possible to use private API with two-factor authentication enabled on the account. If you do not disable it, you might face issues like #37. So, in order to use private API, you have to disable it first. By the way, there are plans in the roadmap to manage authentication for such accounts so you don't have to disable it.


There might be a confusion among many Threads API clients as well as in both Threads an Instagram APIs according to the naming of entities. For instance, in Threads a publication is called a thread, but under the hood in the API of fetching or creating a thread it is called a post.

It is done because Threads are backed by Instagram and threads creation is done on Instagram API where a publication called a post. Library maintainers decided to stick into Threads terminology and use the word thread.


Import the class responsible for Threads API communication and initialize the object. But it depends on if you are going to use public or private API. The differences between public or private APIs are:

  • Public API is Threads API which is developed for anonymous access. On other hand, private API is Instagram API, which is developed for access from mobile phone being authorized via Instagram username and password.
  • Public API has only read-only endpoints. On other hand, private API has both read and write endpoints such as creating a post or follow a user.
  • Public API much less stable than private API (from the library maintainers perspective).
  • Public API much less risky to get rate limits or to have account in Threads and/or Instagram be suspended.

So, it is a trade-off between less risk, less stability and bugs and more risk, more stability and less bugs.

>>> from threads import Threads
>>> threads = Threads(username='instagram_username', password='instagram_password')

You can leave username and password parameters unspecified if you have no plans to use private API:

>>> from threads import Threads
>>> threads = Threads()



Get Identifier

threads.public_api.get_user_id — getting a user's identifier by their username.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
username String Yes - A user's username which goes along with @ like zuck.
Open example
>>> user_id = threads.public_api.get_user_id(username='zuck')
>>> user_id
Get By Identifier

threads.public_api.get_user — getting a user by their identifier.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 A user's identifier.
Open example
>>> user = threads.public_api.get_user(id=314216)
>>> user
    "data": {
        "userData": {
            "user": {
                "is_private": false,
                "profile_pic_url": "",
                "username": "zuck",
                "hd_profile_pic_versions": [
                        "height": 320,
                        "url": "",
                        "width": 320
                        "height": 640,
                        "url": "",
                        "width": 640
                "is_verified": true,
                "biography": "",
                "biography_with_entities": null,
                "follower_count": 2663947,
                "profile_context_facepile_users": null,
                "bio_links": [
                        "url": ""
                "pk": "314216",
                "full_name": "Mark Zuckerberg",
                "id": null
    "extensions": {
        "is_final": true
Get Threads

threads.public_api.get_user_threads — getting a user's threads by the user's identifier.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 A user's identifier.
Open example
>>> user_threads = threads.public_api.get_user_threads(id=314216)
>>> user_threads
    "instagram": {
        "pk": "314216",
        "username": "zuck",
        "full_name": "Mark Zuckerberg",
        "is_private": false,
        "profile_pic_url": "",
        "profile_pic_url_hd": "",
        "is_verified": true,
        "media_count": 283,
        "follower_count": 11924434,
        "following_count": 523,
        "biography": "",
        "external_url": null,
        "account_type": null,
        "is_business": false,
        "public_email": null,
        "contact_phone_number": null,
        "public_phone_country_code": null,
        "public_phone_number": null,
        "business_contact_method": "UNKNOWN",
        "business_category_name": null,
        "category_name": "Entrepreneur",
        "category": null,
        "address_street": null,
        "city_id": null,
        "city_name": null,
        "latitude": null,
        "longitude": null,
        "zip": null,
        "instagram_location_id": null,
        "interop_messaging_user_fbid": null
    "threads": {
        "data": {
            "userData": {
                "user": {
                    "is_private": false,
                    "profile_pic_url": "",
                    "username": "zuck",
                    "hd_profile_pic_versions": [
                            "height": 320,
                            "url": "",
                            "width": 320
                            "height": 640,
                            "url": "",
                            "width": 640
                    "is_verified": true,
                    "biography": "",
                    "biography_with_entities": null,
                    "follower_count": 2663588,
                    "profile_context_facepile_users": null,
                    "bio_links": [
                            "url": ""
                    "pk": "314216",
                    "full_name": "Mark Zuckerberg",
                    "id": null
        "extensions": {
            "is_final": true
Get Replies

threads.public_api.get_user_replies — getting a user's replies by the user's identifier.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 A user's identifier.
Open example
>>> user_replies = threads.public_api.get_user_replies(id=314216)
>>> user_replies
    "data": {
        "mediaData": {
            "threads": [
                    "thread_items": [
                            "post": {
                                "user": {
                                    "profile_pic_url": "",
                                    "username": "intense0ne",
                                    "id": null,
                                    "is_verified": true,
                                    "pk": "13455834"
                                "image_versions2": {
                                    "candidates": [
                                            "height": 1431,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 1170,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                            "height": 881,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 720,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                            "height": 783,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 640,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                            "height": 587,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 480,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                            "height": 391,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 320,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                            "height": 294,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 240,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                            "height": 1080,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 1080,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                            "height": 750,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 750,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                            "height": 640,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 640,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                            "height": 480,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 480,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                            "height": 320,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 320,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                            "height": 240,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 240,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                            "height": 150,
                                            "url": "",
                                            "width": 150,
                                            "__typename": "XDTImageCandidate"
                                "original_width": 1170,
                                "original_height": 1431,
                                "video_versions": [],
                                "carousel_media": null,
                                "carousel_media_count": null,
                                "pk": "3141307328358556088",
                                "has_audio": null,
                                "text_post_app_info": {
                                    "link_preview_attachment": null,
                                    "share_info": {
                                        "quoted_post": null,
                                        "reposted_post": null
                                    "reply_to_author": null,
                                    "is_post_unavailable": false
                                "caption": {
                                    "text": "Volk or Yair?? #UFC290\n\nI got Volk!! \ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f"
                                "taken_at": 1688693036,
                                "like_count": 4144,
                                "code": "CuYKl8tJKG4",
                                "media_overlay_info": null,
                                "id": "3141307328358556088_13455834"
                            "line_type": "squiggle",
                            "view_replies_cta_string": "386 replies",
                            "reply_facepile_users": [
                                    "__typename": "XDTUserDict",
                                    "id": null,
                                    "profile_pic_url": ""
                                    "__typename": "XDTUserDict",
                                    "id": null,
                                    "profile_pic_url": ""
                                    "__typename": "XDTUserDict",
                                    "id": null,
                                    "profile_pic_url": ""
                            "should_show_replies_cta": true,
                            "__typename": "XDTThreadItem"
                            "post": {
                                "user": {
                                    "profile_pic_url": "",
                                    "username": "zuck",
                                    "id": null,
                                    "is_verified": true,
                                    "pk": "314216"
                                "image_versions2": {
                                    "candidates": []
                                "original_width": 612,
                                "original_height": 612,
                                "video_versions": [],
                                "carousel_media": null,
                                "carousel_media_count": null,
                                "pk": "3141314003249945904",
                                "has_audio": null,
                                "text_post_app_info": {
                                    "link_preview_attachment": null,
                                    "share_info": {
                                        "quoted_post": null,
                                        "reposted_post": null
                                    "reply_to_author": {
                                        "username": "intense0ne",
                                        "id": null
                                    "is_post_unavailable": false
                                "caption": {
                                    "text": "Definitely Volk"
                                "taken_at": 1688693832,
                                "like_count": 10843,
                                "code": "CuYMHFLrF0w",
                                "media_overlay_info": null,
                                "id": "3141314003249945904_314216"
                            "line_type": "line",
                            "view_replies_cta_string": "1,114 replies",
                            "reply_facepile_users": [
                                    "__typename": "XDTUserDict",
                                    "id": null,
                                    "profile_pic_url": ""
                                    "__typename": "XDTUserDict",
                                    "id": null,
                                    "profile_pic_url": ""
                                    "__typename": "XDTUserDict",
                                    "id": null,
                                    "profile_pic_url": ""
                            "should_show_replies_cta": true,
                            "__typename": "XDTThreadItem"
                    "id": "3141314003249945904"
    "extensions": {
        "is_final": true


Get Identifier

threads.public_api.get_thread_id — getting a thread's identifier by its URL identifier. URL identifier is a last part of a thread's website URL. If the thread's URL is, then it would be CuXFPIeLLod.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
url_id String Yes - A thread's URL identifier.
Open example
>>> thread_id = threads.public_api.get_thread_id(url_id='CuXFPIeLLod')
>>> thread_id
Get By Identifier

threads.public_api.get_thread — getting a thread by its identifier.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 A thread's identifier.
Open example
>>> thread = threads.public_api.get_thread(id=3141002295235099165)
>>> thread
    "data": {
        "data": {
            "containing_thread": {
                "thread_items": [
                        "post": {
                            "user": {
                                "profile_pic_url": "",
                                "username": "mosseri",
                                "id": null,
                                "is_verified": true,
                                "pk": "95561"
                            "image_versions2": {
                                "candidates": []
                            "original_width": 612,
                            "original_height": 612,
                            "video_versions": [],
                            "carousel_media": null,
                            "carousel_media_count": null,
                            "pk": "3141055616164096839",
                            "has_audio": null,
                            "text_post_app_info": {
                                "link_preview_attachment": null,
                                "share_info": {
                                    "quoted_post": null,
                                    "reposted_post": null
                                "reply_to_author": null,
                                "is_post_unavailable": false,
                                "direct_reply_count": 2839
                            "caption": {
                                "text": "I've been getting some questions about deleting your account. To clarify, you can deactivate your Threads account, which hides your Threads profile and content, you can set your profile to private, and you can delete individual threads posts \u2013 all without deleting your Instagram account. Threads is powered by Instagram, so right now it's just one account, but we're looking into a way to delete your Threads account separately."
                            "taken_at": 1688663030,
                            "like_count": 29984,
                            "code": "CuXRXDdNOtH",
                            "media_overlay_info": null,
                            "id": "3141055616164096839_95561"
                        "line_type": "none",
                        "view_replies_cta_string": "2,839 replies",
                        "reply_facepile_users": [],
                        "should_show_replies_cta": true
                "thread_type": "thread",
                "header": null,
                "id": "3141055616164096839"
            "reply_threads": [
                    "thread_items": [
                            "post": {
                                "user": {
                                    "profile_pic_url": "",
                                    "username": "jimmywhotalks",
                                    "id": null,
                                    "is_verified": true,
                                    "pk": "51094265817"
                                "image_versions2": {
                                    "candidates": []
                                "original_width": 612,
                                "original_height": 612,
                                "video_versions": [],
                                "carousel_media": null,
                                "carousel_media_count": null,
                                "pk": "3141082664316809193",
                                "has_audio": null,
                                "text_post_app_info": {
                                    "link_preview_attachment": null,
                                    "share_info": {
                                        "quoted_post": null,
                                        "reposted_post": null
                                    "reply_to_author": {
                                        "username": "mosseri",
                                        "id": null
                                    "is_post_unavailable": false
                                "caption": {
                                    "text": "Glad to know, Everyone is worrying for that."
                                "taken_at": 1688666254,
                                "like_count": 59,
                                "code": "CuXXgqAva_p",
                                "media_overlay_info": null,
                                "id": "3141082664316809193_51094265817"
                            "line_type": "none",
                            "view_replies_cta_string": null,
                            "reply_facepile_users": [],
                            "should_show_replies_cta": false
                    "thread_type": "thread",
                    "header": null,
                    "id": "3141082664316809193"
    "extensions": {
        "is_final": true
Get Likers

threads.public_api.get_thread_likers — getting a thread's likers by the thread's identifier.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 A thread's identifier.
Open example
>>> thread_likers = threads.public_api.get_thread_likers(id=3141002295235099165)
>>> thread_likers
    "data": {
        "likers": {
            "users": [
                    "pk": "32729880576",
                    "full_name": "K 🦋I🦋K🦋I",
                    "profile_pic_url": "
                    "follower_count": 51,
                    "is_verified": false,
                    "username": "niyod_couture",
                    "profile_context_facepile_users": null,
                    "id": null
    "extensions": {
        "is_final": true



Get Identifier

threads.private_api.get_user_id — getting a user's identifier by their username.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
username String Yes - A user's username which goes along with @ like zuck.
Open example
>>> user_id = threads.private_api.get_user_id(username='zuck')
>>> user_id
Get By Identifier

threads.private_api.get_user — getting a user by their identifier.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 A user's identifier.
Open example
>>> user = threads.private_api.get_user(id=314216)
>>> user
    "user": {
        "has_anonymous_profile_picture": false,
        "is_supervision_features_enabled": false,
        "follower_count": 2782815,
        "media_count": 283,
        "following_count": 313,
        "following_tag_count": 3,
        "can_use_affiliate_partnership_messaging_as_creator": false,
        "can_use_affiliate_partnership_messaging_as_brand": false,
        "has_collab_collections": false,
        "has_private_collections": true,
        "has_music_on_profile": false,
        "is_potential_business": false,
        "can_use_branded_content_discovery_as_creator": false,
        "can_use_branded_content_discovery_as_brand": false,
        "fan_club_info": {
            "fan_club_id": null,
            "fan_club_name": null,
            "is_fan_club_referral_eligible": null,
            "fan_consideration_page_revamp_eligiblity": null,
            "is_fan_club_gifting_eligible": null,
            "subscriber_count": null,
            "connected_member_count": null,
            "autosave_to_exclusive_highlight": null,
            "has_enough_subscribers_for_ssc": null
        "fbid_v2": "17841401746480004",
        "pronouns": [],
        "is_whatsapp_linked": false,
        "transparency_product_enabled": false,
        "account_category": "",
        "interop_messaging_user_fbid": 119171612803872,
        "bio_links": [
                "link_id": 17979756671109835,
                "url": "",
                "lynx_url": "",
                "link_type": "external",
                "title": "",
                "open_external_url_with_in_app_browser": true
        "can_add_fb_group_link_on_profile": false,
        "external_url": "",
        "show_shoppable_feed": false,
        "merchant_checkout_style": "none",
        "seller_shoppable_feed_type": "none",
        "creator_shopping_info": {
            "linked_merchant_accounts": []
        "has_guides": false,
        "has_highlight_reels": false,
        "hd_profile_pic_url_info": {
            "url": "",
            "width": 805,
            "height": 805
        "hd_profile_pic_versions": [
                "width": 320,
                "height": 320,
                "url": ""
                "width": 640,
                "height": 640,
                "url": ""
        "is_interest_account": true,
        "is_favorite": false,
        "is_favorite_for_stories": false,
        "is_favorite_for_igtv": false,
        "is_favorite_for_clips": false,
        "is_favorite_for_highlights": false,
        "broadcast_chat_preference_status": {
            "json_response": "{\"status\":\"ok\",\"status_code\":\"200\",\"is_broadcast_chat_creator\":true,\"notification_setting_type\":2}"
        "live_subscription_status": "default",
        "usertags_count": 43060,
        "total_ar_effects": 1,
        "total_clips_count": 1,
        "has_videos": true,
        "total_igtv_videos": 12,
        "has_igtv_series": false,
        "biography": "",
        "include_direct_blacklist_status": true,
        "biography_with_entities": {
            "raw_text": "",
            "entities": []
        "show_fb_link_on_profile": false,
        "primary_profile_link_type": 0,
        "can_hide_category": true,
        "can_hide_public_contacts": true,
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        "should_show_public_contacts": false,
        "is_eligible_for_smb_support_flow": true,
        "is_eligible_for_lead_center": false,
        "is_experienced_advertiser": false,
        "lead_details_app_id": "com.bloks.www.ig.smb.lead_gen.subpage",
        "is_business": false,
        "professional_conversion_suggested_account_type": 3,
        "account_type": 3,
        "direct_messaging": "",
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        "address_street": "",
        "business_contact_method": "UNKNOWN",
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        "city_name": "",
        "contact_phone_number": "",
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        "latitude": 0.0,
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        "public_email": "",
        "public_phone_country_code": "",
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        "zip": "",
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        "has_onboarded_to_text_post_app": true,
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        "show_ig_app_switcher_badge": true,
        "show_text_post_app_switcher_badge": true,
        "profile_context": "",
        "profile_context_links_with_user_ids": [],
        "profile_context_facepile_users": [],
        "has_chaining": true,
        "pk": 314216,
        "pk_id": "314216",
        "username": "zuck",
        "full_name": "Mark Zuckerberg",
        "is_private": false,
        "follow_friction_type": 0,
        "is_verified": true,
        "profile_pic_id": "3138909791791822006_314216",
        "profile_pic_url": "",
        "current_catalog_id": null,
        "mini_shop_seller_onboarding_status": null,
        "shopping_post_onboard_nux_type": null,
        "ads_incentive_expiration_date": null,
        "displayed_action_button_partner": null,
        "smb_delivery_partner": null,
        "smb_support_delivery_partner": null,
        "displayed_action_button_type": "",
        "smb_support_partner": null,
        "is_call_to_action_enabled": false,
        "num_of_admined_pages": null,
        "category": "Entrepreneur",
        "account_badges": [],
        "show_account_transparency_details": true,
        "existing_user_age_collection_enabled": true,
        "show_post_insights_entry_point": true,
        "has_public_tab_threads": true,
        "third_party_downloads_enabled": 1,
        "is_regulated_c18": false,
        "is_in_canada": false,
        "profile_type": 0,
        "is_profile_broadcast_sharing_enabled": true,
        "has_exclusive_feed_content": false,
        "has_fan_club_subscriptions": false,
        "is_memorialized": false,
        "open_external_url_with_in_app_browser": true,
        "pinned_channels_info": {
            "pinned_channels_list": [],
            "has_public_channels": false
        "request_contact_enabled": false,
        "robi_feedback_source": null,
        "chaining_results": null,
        "is_bestie": false,
        "remove_message_entrypoint": false,
        "auto_expand_chaining": false,
        "is_new_to_instagram": false,
        "highlight_reshare_disabled": false
    "status": "ok"
Get Followers

threads.private_api.get_user_followers — getting a user's followers by the user's identifier.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 A user's identifier.
Open example
>>> user_followers = threads.private_api.get_user_followers(id=314216)
>>> user_followers
    "users": [
            "has_anonymous_profile_picture": false,
            "fbid_v2": "17841407032091362",
            "has_onboarded_to_text_post_app": true,
            "text_post_app_joiner_number": 100165200,
            "pk": 6970898403,
            "pk_id": "6970898403",
            "username": "ali_moslemi_",
            "full_name": "",
            "is_private": true,
            "is_verified": false,
            "profile_pic_id": "3143675402396969798_6970898403",
            "profile_pic_url": "",
            "account_badges": [],
            "is_possible_scammer": false,
            "third_party_downloads_enabled": 0,
            "is_possible_bad_actor": {
                "is_possible_scammer": false,
                "is_possible_impersonator": {
                    "is_unconnected_impersonator": false
            "latest_reel_media": 0
    "big_list": false,
    "page_size": 200,
    "has_more": false,
    "should_limit_list_of_followers": false,
    "status": "ok"
Get Following

threads.private_api.get_user_following — getting a user's following by the user's identifier.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 A user's identifier.
Open example
>>> user_following = threads.private_api.get_user_following(id=314216)
>>> user_following
    "users": [
            "has_anonymous_profile_picture": false,
            "fbid_v2": "17841400595560228",
            "has_onboarded_to_text_post_app": true,
            "text_post_app_joiner_number": 37063252,
            "pk": 14611852,
            "pk_id": "14611852",
            "username": "mikesego",
            "full_name": "Mike Sego",
            "is_private": false,
            "is_verified": false,
            "profile_pic_id": "3141060757056532902_14611852",
            "profile_pic_url": "",
            "account_badges": [],
            "is_possible_scammer": false,
            "third_party_downloads_enabled": 1,
            "is_possible_bad_actor": {
                "is_possible_scammer": false,
                "is_possible_impersonator": {
                    "is_unconnected_impersonator": false
            "latest_reel_media": 0,
            "is_favorite": false
    "big_list": true,
    "page_size": 200,
    "next_max_id": "100",
    "has_more": false,
    "should_limit_list_of_followers": false,
    "status": "ok"

threads.private_api.search_user — search for a user by a query.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
query String Yes - A search query.
Open example
>>> found_users = threads.private_api.search_user(query='zuck')
>>> found_users
    "num_results": 55,
    "users": [
            "has_anonymous_profile_picture": false,
            "follower_count": 2779681,
            "media_count": 283,
            "following_count": 313,
            "following_tag_count": 3,
            "fbid_v2": "17841401746480004",
            "has_onboarded_to_text_post_app": true,
            "show_text_post_app_badge": true,
            "text_post_app_joiner_number": 1,
            "show_ig_app_switcher_badge": true,
            "pk": 314216,
            "pk_id": "314216",
            "username": "zuck",
            "full_name": "Mark Zuckerberg",
            "is_private": false,
            "is_verified": true,
            "profile_pic_id": "3138909791791822006_314216",
            "profile_pic_url": "",
            "has_opt_eligible_shop": false,
            "account_badges": [],
            "third_party_downloads_enabled": 1,
            "unseen_count": 0,
            "friendship_status": {
                "following": false,
                "is_private": false,
                "incoming_request": false,
                "outgoing_request": false,
                "text_post_app_pre_following": false,
                "is_bestie": false,
                "is_restricted": false,
                "is_feed_favorite": false
            "latest_reel_media": 0,
            "should_show_category": false
    "has_more": false,
    "rank_token": "21af3266-ddec-4166-b00c-091a580a54a8",
    "status": "ok"

threads.private_api.follow_user — follow a user.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 An identifier of a user to follow.
Open example
>>> following = threads.private_api.follow_user(id=314216)
>>> following
    "friendship_status": {
        "following": true,
        "followed_by": false,
        "blocking": false,
        "muting": false,
        "is_private": false,
        "incoming_request": false,
        "outgoing_request": false,
        "text_post_app_pre_following": false,
        "is_bestie": false,
        "is_restricted": false,
        "is_feed_favorite": false,
        "is_eligible_to_subscribe": false
    "previous_following": false,
    "status": "ok"

threads.private_api.unfollow_user — unfollow a user.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 An identifier of a user to unfollow.
Open example
>>> following = threads.private_api.unfollow_user(id=314216)
>>> following
    "friendship_status": {
        "following": false,
        "followed_by": false,
        "blocking": false,
        "muting": false,
        "is_private": false,
        "incoming_request": false,
        "outgoing_request": false,
        "text_post_app_pre_following": false,
        "is_bestie": false,
        "is_restricted": false,
        "is_feed_favorite": false,
        "is_eligible_to_subscribe": false
    "status": "ok"


Get Identifier

threads.private_api.get_thread_id — getting a thread's identifier by its URL identifier. URL identifier is a last part of a thread's website URL. If the thread's URL is, then it would be CuXFPIeLLod.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
url_id String Yes - A thread's URL identifier.
Open example
>>> thread_id = threads.private_api.get_thread_id(url_id='CuXFPIeLLod')
>>> thread_id
Get By Identifier

threads.private_api.get_thread — getting a thread by its identifier.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 A thread's identifier.
Open example
>>> thread = threads.private_api.get_thread(id=3141002295235099165)
>>> thread
    "data": {
        "data": {
            "containing_thread": {
                "thread_items": [
                        "post": {
                            "user": {
                                "profile_pic_url": "",
                                "username": "mosseri",
                                "id": null,
                                "is_verified": true,
                                "pk": "95561"
                            "image_versions2": {
                                "candidates": []
                            "original_width": 612,
                            "original_height": 612,
                            "video_versions": [],
                            "carousel_media": null,
                            "carousel_media_count": null,
                            "pk": "3141055616164096839",
                            "has_audio": null,
                            "text_post_app_info": {
                                "link_preview_attachment": null,
                                "share_info": {
                                    "quoted_post": null,
                                    "reposted_post": null
                                "reply_to_author": null,
                                "is_post_unavailable": false,
                                "direct_reply_count": 2839
                            "caption": {
                                "text": "I've been getting some questions about deleting your account. To clarify, you can deactivate your Threads account, which hides your Threads profile and content, you can set your profile to private, and you can delete individual threads posts \u2013 all without deleting your Instagram account. Threads is powered by Instagram, so right now it's just one account, but we're looking into a way to delete your Threads account separately."
                            "taken_at": 1688663030,
                            "like_count": 29984,
                            "code": "CuXRXDdNOtH",
                            "media_overlay_info": null,
                            "id": "3141055616164096839_95561"
                        "line_type": "none",
                        "view_replies_cta_string": "2,839 replies",
                        "reply_facepile_users": [],
                        "should_show_replies_cta": true
                "thread_type": "thread",
                "header": null,
                "id": "3141055616164096839"
            "reply_threads": [
                    "thread_items": [
                            "post": {
                                "user": {
                                    "profile_pic_url": "",
                                    "username": "jimmywhotalks",
                                    "id": null,
                                    "is_verified": true,
                                    "pk": "51094265817"
                                "image_versions2": {
                                    "candidates": []
                                "original_width": 612,
                                "original_height": 612,
                                "video_versions": [],
                                "carousel_media": null,
                                "carousel_media_count": null,
                                "pk": "3141082664316809193",
                                "has_audio": null,
                                "text_post_app_info": {
                                    "link_preview_attachment": null,
                                    "share_info": {
                                        "quoted_post": null,
                                        "reposted_post": null
                                    "reply_to_author": {
                                        "username": "mosseri",
                                        "id": null
                                    "is_post_unavailable": false
                                "caption": {
                                    "text": "Glad to know, Everyone is worrying for that."
                                "taken_at": 1688666254,
                                "like_count": 59,
                                "code": "CuXXgqAva_p",
                                "media_overlay_info": null,
                                "id": "3141082664316809193_51094265817"
                            "line_type": "none",
                            "view_replies_cta_string": null,
                            "reply_facepile_users": [],
                            "should_show_replies_cta": false
                    "thread_type": "thread",
                    "header": null,
                    "id": "3141082664316809193"
    "extensions": {
        "is_final": true
Get Likers

threads.private_api.get_thread_likers — getting a thread's likers by the thread's identifier.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 A thread's identifier.
Open example
>>> thread_likers = threads.private_api.get_thread_likers(id=3141055616164096839)
>>> thread_likers
    "users": [
            "pk": 54831820289,
            "pk_id": "54831820289",
            "username": "hazrel_syfddn26",
            "full_name": "HAZLER",
            "is_private": false,
            "account_badges": [],
            "is_verified": false,
            "profile_pic_id": "3140964514487728732_54831820289",
            "profile_pic_url": "",
            "has_onboarded_to_text_post_app": true,
            "latest_reel_media": 0
    "user_count": 38283,
    "status": "ok"

threads.private_api.create_thread — create a thread. You can create a thread with an attachment link or image ( specifying either HTTP(S) URL or path to a file). Also, you are able to create a thread as a reply to another thread. Basically, each thread is either a root or linked to another thread like a graph. You can check for all the examples of possible threads.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
caption String Yes - A thread's caption.
url String No - A thread's attachment URL.
image_url String No - An image's HTTP(S) URL or path to a file.
reply_to String No - An identifier of a thread to reply to.
Open example
>>> created_thread = threads.private_api.create_thread(
        caption='Hello, world!',
>>> created_thread = threads.private_api.create_thread(
        caption='Hello, world!',
>>> created_thread = threads.private_api.create_thread(
        caption='Hello, world!',
>>> created_thread = threads.private_api.create_thread(
        caption='Hello, world!',
>>> created_thread
    "media": {
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        "media_type": 1,
        "code": "Cuj7h_yM4Co",
        "client_cache_key": "MzE0NDYxODc4NTgwOTU5NjU4NA==.2",
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        "can_viewer_reshare": true,
        "caption": {
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            "user_id": 32545771157,
            "text": "Hello, world!",
            "type": 1,
            "created_at": 1689087793,
            "created_at_utc": 1689087793,
            "content_type": "comment",
            "status": "Active",
            "bit_flags": 0,
            "did_report_as_spam": false,
            "share_enabled": false,
            "user": {
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                    "is_fan_club_gifting_eligible": null,
                    "subscriber_count": null,
                    "connected_member_count": null,
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                "text_post_app_take_a_break_setting": 0,
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                "pk_id": "32545771157",
                "username": "dmytro.striletskyi",
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                "feed_post_reshare_disabled": false,
                "show_account_transparency_details": true,
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                "is_fan_club_gifting_eligible": null,
                "subscriber_count": null,
                "connected_member_count": null,
                "autosave_to_exclusive_highlight": null,
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                "full_name": "Adam Mosseri",
                "is_private": false,
                "is_verified": true,
                "profile_pic_id": "3090458139926225297_95561",
                "profile_pic_url": "",
                "has_onboarded_to_text_post_app": true
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            "can_reply": true,
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        "integrity_review_decision": "pending",
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        "commerciality_status": "not_commercial",
        "explore_hide_comments": false,
        "has_delayed_metadata": false
    "upload_id": "1689087791",
    "status": "ok"

threads.private_api.delete_thread — delete a thread.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 An identifier of a thread to delete.
Open example
>>> deletion = threads.private_api.delete_thread(id=3141055616164096839)
>>> deletion
    "did_delete": true,
    "cxp_deep_deletion_global_response": {},
    "status": "ok"

threads.private_api.like_thread — like a thread.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 An identifier of a thread to like.
Open example
>>> liking = threads.private_api.like_thread(id=3141055616164096839)
>>> liking
    "status": "ok"

threads.private_api.unlike_thread — unlike a thread.

Parameters Type Required Restrictions Description
id Integer Yes >0 An identifier of a thread to unlike.
Open example
>>> unliking = threads.private_api.unlike_thread(id=3141055616164096839)
>>> unliking
    "status": "ok"