laravel-storage icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
laravel-storage copied to clipboard

A simple filesystem abstraction package for Laravel 4.

Storage Package for Laravel 4

Storage is a filesystem abstraction layer for Laravel 4 applications. If you are using Laravel 5 it comes with a similar package included which can be found in the docs.

Installation via Composer

Add this to you composer.json file, in the require object:

"dmyers/laravel-storage": "1.*"

After that, run composer install to install Storage.

Add the service provider to app/config/app.php, within the providers array.

'providers' => array(
    // ...

Add a class alias to app/config/app.php, within the aliases array.

'aliases' => array(
    // ...
    'Storage' => 'Dmyers\Storage\Storage',

Finally, ensure the files directory defined in the config file is created and writable by the web server (defaults to public/files).

$ mkdir public/files
$ chmod -R 777 public/files


Publish the default config file to your application so you can make modifications.

$ php artisan config:publish dmyers/laravel-storage


Check if a file exists in storage:


Get a file's contents from storage:


Put a file into storage:

Storage::put('user/avatar.jpg', $contents);

Upload a file into storage:

Storage::upload(Input::file('avatar'), 'user/avatar.jpg');

Upload a remote file into storage:

Storage::remoteUpload('', 'user/avatar.jpg');

Download a file from storage:

Storage::download('user/avatar.jpg', 'tmp/images/user-1/avatar.jpg');

Download a remote file locally:

Storage::remoteDownload('', 'tmp/images/user-1/avatar.jpg');

Delete a file from storage:


Move a file in storage:

Storage::move('user/avatar.jpg', 'user/1/avatar.jpg');

Copy a file in storage:

Storage::copy('user/avatar.jpg', 'user/avatar.bak.jpg');

Get a file's type from storage:


Get a file's mime type from storage:


Get a file's size from storage:


Get a file's last modification date from storage:


Check if a path is a directory in storage:


List all files in storage:


Get the full URL to a file in storage:


Render a file from storage to the browser:
