
Results 121 comments of dmurdoch

I don't know anything about IRkernel besides what I've read in the last 5 minutes, but I would guess the htmlwidgets approach would be easiest for you. Currently all the...

I haven't tried that. It would probably display nicely, but I'm hoping for a fairly general solution, e.g. allowing the `filter_slider` to be `w2()` in my original example. I guess...

After a little bit of experimentation: 1. I can use the `filter_slider` as a header or footer, but only with a new patch to the code in `combineWidgets` to get...

A quick and dirty workaround is to keep D3 version 3, but rename it, as done here: and .

Thanks for putting this together. It doesn't quite work on my MacOS system: because `system2()` calls `shQuote` on the `command` argument, you shouldn't escape the spaces. Once that is fixed,...

I've been using Salim's solution, and it's been working fine on MacOS.

I'd just go ahead and prepare the PR, using your own judgment about what to use. At a minimum, that would make it easier for others to incorporate your suggestion...

If I follow those instructions it doesn't work for me either, but I've been using the code below based on the PR, and it works fine with the CRAN version...

Sorry, I forgot that was part of my code. Here it is: ``` getChromeDriverVersion % magrittr::extract(! %>% stringr::str_replace_all(pattern = "\\.", replacement = "\\\\.") %>% paste0("^", .) %>% stringr::str_subset(string = dplyr::last(versions))...

The current workaround I'm using is to delete "/Applications/Google" , then use Time Machine to restore it from before the update (which happened for me on Mar 5). Then...