don mosites
don mosites
Got into a weird state where the token selector only shows “ETH” “WETH” and a list of tokens to import. Clicking “import” doesn’t work and the available token list remains...
Because senderWallet is the Wrapper contract when using native tokens (e.g. ETH) the app should add a proxyingFor parameter with the user wallet address ala
After taking a swap (otc order from an indexer) the screen did not proceed to the completed state.
When app loads wallet is prompted to unlock. Should wait until user clicks connect.
Wrapper.getAddress() should take a chainId argument
Requirements: - View how many tokens I'm able to stake (wallet balance) - Have a open input to specify amount - Put in how much % of wallet balance I...
Requirements: - Open input field for amount - % to specify amount of unstakable balance - Show how much can be unstake