Dmodoom Sirius
Dmodoom Sirius
What i am wanting to do is get the latest commits for every submodule in a repo say every submodule in I would like to get the latest commits...
ok it happens to all mobs not just cows. also it corrupts the world. when you try to log back in it crashes with the same crash.
Hello. He said "going to" Sent from my iPhone > On Apr 9, 2017, at 5:45 PM, lightcat wrote: > > Are you not reading what I posted? It doesn't...
The old stuff will be done through a different mod.
We want to limit our dependency on external mods so dark and i were talking about putting something in voltzengine that would help with that. Sent from my iPhone >...
exactly. We do have things planned. We are just waiting for us to code up all the content before we document it in the game.
We do have stuff on our website that is being documented. But as far as in game stuff that we would need to lay some base work before we do....
@DarkGuardsman and i could look into how to integrate with IGW but I will leave that up to him if he wants me to add it to the gradle scripts...