mxnet-model-gallery copied to clipboard
Inception-v3, I use C++ to achieve preprocess, but all predict false
My code as follows:
122 cv::Mat im_ori = cv::imread(image_file, 1); 123 /* 124 * preprocess image as Inception_v3 required 125 * crop -> resize -> normlize (-mean)/std 126 / 127 int short_edge; 128 if(im_ori.rows > im_ori.cols) 129 { 130 short_edge = im_ori.cols; 131 } 132 else 133 { 134 short_edge = im_ori.rows; 135 } 136 //printf("image size, row = %d, col = %d, short_edge = %d\n", im_ori.rows, im_ori.cols, short_edge); 137 int yMin = (im_ori.rows - short_edge) / 2; 138 int xMin = (im_ori.cols - short_edge) / 2; 139 int xMax = xMin + short_edge; 140 int yMax = yMin + short_edge; 141 cv::Mat croppedImg; 142 im_ori(cv::Rect(xMin,yMin,xMax,yMax)).copyTo(croppedImg); 143 //cv::imwrite("ori.jpg", im_ori); 144 //cv::imwrite("crop.jpg", croppedImg); 145 146 cv::Mat im; 147 resize(croppedImg, im, resize_size); 148 //cv::imwrite("resize.jpg", im); 149 int size = im.rows * im.cols; 150 mx_float ptr_image_r = image_data; 151 for(int i = 0; i < im.rows; i++) 152 { 153 uchar* data = im.ptr
(i); 154 for(int j = 0; j < im.cols; j++) 155 { 156 mx_float r = (data[j] * 256 - 128) / 128.0; 157 *ptr_image_r++ = r; 158 } 159 }
I read, it first crop, then resize, at last normalization.
Are my codes wrong?