MXNet.jl copied to clipboard
Call to mx.get_updater(optimizer) gives UndefRefError
I am trying to adapt cnn_text_classification example from python,, to julia. I have error for the following part:
optimizer = mx.SGD(lr=0.1, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=0.00001)
updater = mx.get_updater(optimizer)
for batch in mx.eachbatch(train_provider)
data = mx.get_data(train_provider, batch)
label = mx.get_label(train_provider, batch)
num_correct = 0
num_total = 0[:] = data[1]
m.label[:] = label[1]
# forward backward
mx.forward(m.cnn_exec, is_train=true)
# eval on training data
a = copy(m.cnn_exec.outputs[1])
num_correct += sum(label .== mapslices(indmax, a, 1)[:])
num_total += length(label)
# update weights
sum_norm = 0
for (idx, weight, grad, name) in m.param_blocks
grad /= N
l2_norm = copy(norm(grad))[1]
sum_norm += l2_norm * l2_norm
sum_norm = sqrt(sum_norm)
for (idx, weight, grad, name) in m.param_blocks
if sum_norm > MAX_GRAD_NORM
grad *= (MAX_GRAD_NORM / sum_norm)
println("idx ", idx)
println("grad ", grad)
println("weight ", weight)
updater(idx, grad, weight) # <-- this line gives error
# reset gradient to zero
grad[:] = 0.0
train_acc = num_correct * 100.0 / num_total
println("train_acc ", train_acc)
idx 1
grad mx.NDArray{Float32}(784,100)
weight mx.NDArray{Float32}(784,100)
ERROR: LoadError: UndefRefError: access to undefined reference
in update(, ::Int64,,, at /home/phuoc/.julia/v0.5/MXNet/src/optimizers/sgd.jl:53
in ({,Dict{Int64,Any}})(::Int64,, at /home/phuoc/.julia/v0.5/MXNet/src/optimizer.jl:188
in train() at cnn.jl:126
in include_from_node1(::String) at ./loading.jl:488
while loading cnn.jl, in expression starting on line 167
Is the error from MXNet.jl or mxnet core library? I can run the cnn_text_classification python version normally.
This error is weird. It seems to be from the Julia side instead of of libmxnet. I'm not really sure what does it mean by a UndefRefError
. Index out of bound, or undefined methods all lead to other error messages.
@ngphuoc The UndefRefError
is because you are accessing the optimizer.state
field and it has not been initialized. You need to initialize it before calling update. These lines in the gist should do the trick:
optimizer = mx.SGD(lr=0.05, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=0.00001)
op_state = mx.OptimizationState(batch_size)
optimizer.state = op_state
@pluskid maybe optimizers should be initialized automatically when calling mx.get_updater
?? If another initial state is needed it could be overwritten afterwards.
@pluskid There aren't any examples of training a net without using the fit
function in Julia in the examples folder (and online I found just this:, but it doesn't use the default optimizers and the code is show as images) . Maybe that gist would be useful as an example in the repo?
@facundoq Unfortunately, yes, currently the new API (based on modules) in Python has not been fully ported to Julia yet. So intermediate level API for training is still not very convenient in the Julia side.