bunny icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
bunny copied to clipboard

Magick Helper



The goal of bunny is to provide useful helper functions for working with magick.


You can install the released version of bunny from Github with:

#install.packages("bunny") # not yet

Pixel operations

This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:


## basic example code
frink <- image_read("https://jeroen.github.io/images/frink.png")
image_getpixel(frink, geometry_point(100,100))
#> [1] "#ffd521ff"

Other than extracting color from individual pixels, bunny can also draw on images:

frink <- image_read("https://jeroen.github.io/images/frink.png")
image_plot(frink, geometry_area(50,35,80,150), "red")
image_plot(frink, geometry_point(70,70), "red")

Hough lines operations

bunny can help you tidy up the Hough Lines mvg object, returned by magick::image_hough_txt(). Lets detect straight lines in the bunny logo.

img <- image_read("data-raw/bunny_hex.png") 

img_prep <- img %>% image_convert(type="Grayscale") %>% 
  image_threshold("black") %>% 
  image_canny() %>% 
  image_morphology("Close", "Diamond")

img_prep %>% 
  image_hough_draw(geometry="50x50+200",overlay = TRUE)

Hough Lines are retuned in plain text object (mvg format). Let’s tidy up that text and make it more suitable for analysis. bunny::tidy_hough_mvg() returns a list, which, among other things contains data frame describing lines and another data frame describing line intersections.

hough <- img_prep %>% 
  image_hough_txt(geometry="50x50+200") %>% 

#>   line_id               line_bbox line_plength line_slope line_intercept
#> 1  line_1 0 298.623 1042 -302.976          598 -0.5773503        298.623
#> 2  line_2          0.5 0 0.5 1200          607        Inf           -Inf
#> 3  line_3 0 -301.821 1042 299.778          597  0.5773503       -301.821
#> 4  line_4    1040.5 0 1040.5 1200          605        Inf           -Inf
#> 5  line_5  0 1500.67 1042 899.067          598 -0.5773541       1500.670
#> 6  line_6  0 900.222 1042 1501.82          597  0.5773493        900.222
#>   line_angle
#> 1  -30.00000
#> 2   90.00000
#> 3   30.00000
#> 4   90.00000
#> 5  -30.00017
#> 6   29.99996
#>    line_id_1 line_id_2   xsect_x   xsect_y xsect_angle
#> 1     line_1    line_2    0.5000  298.3343         NaN
#> 2     line_1    line_3  519.9997   -1.5990    60.00000
#> 9     line_2    line_6    0.5000  900.5107         NaN
#> 10    line_3    line_4 1040.5000  298.9120         NaN
#> 13    line_4    line_5 1040.5000  899.9330         NaN
#> 15    line_5    line_6  520.0019 1200.4448    60.00013

Stay tuned for more exciting functions…