alexa-youtube-skill copied to clipboard
test failed
Hi, skill test in developer consolle failed: Error setting skill enablement A valid interaction model is required to test your skill. In AWS there is an error in Alexa Skill Kit: Statement serverlessrepo-AlexaYoutubePlaybackSkill-alexaskillskitcolorexpertAlexaSkillEventPermi-BIXIQQ84983E is not found in resource policy. (Service: AWSLambda; Status Code: 404; Error Code: ResourceNotFoundException; If I do the test in AWS failed: { "errorMessage": "Cannot find module '/var/task/index'", "errorType": "Error", "stackTrace": [ "Module.require (module.js:596:17)", "require (internal/module.js:11:18)" ] } The minimum node.js selectable is 8.10, I don't know if this is the problem ... can you help me? Thank you.
Try following the tutorial again. This error usually appears when code is updated correctly (e.g. AWS Lambda can't find index.js).