emacs-rails-reloaded icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
emacs-rails-reloaded copied to clipboard

Minor mode for editing RubyOnRails code in Emacs

It is the minor mode for editing Ruby On Rails code with Emacs. This minor mode makes your work much easier and user friendly.

== Requirements

The emacs-rails-reloaded is requiring a 22.x or 23 (CVS) version of Emacs, and can’t be running on old versions (less 22.0). To install Emacs:

  • For UNIX: use your package manager (typically name of package emacs, emacs-cvs or emacs22) or compile it from source.

  • For OSX: use the "Aquameacs":http://aquamacs.org or nightly builds of "CVS version with Cocoa":http://atomized.org/wp-content/cocoa-emacs-nightly/ or install using macports (name of package: emacs or emacs-app)

  • For Windows: download and install "EmacsW32":http://ourcomments.org/Emacs/EmacsW32.html

== Instalation

Download last release from "github project page":http://github.com/dima-exe/emacs-rails-reloaded/downloads and unpack it to directory containing libraries of Emacs, by default it’s $HOME/.emacs.d/

After that add bellow code in your the .emacs file:

(setq load-path (cons (expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/rails-reloaded") load-path)) (require 'rails-autoload)

Next bytecompile, press [M-x] and type rails/bytecompile.

== First Acquaintance

Go to directory with your rails application and open any file in Emacs:

cd $HOME/project/simple_rails_application emacs app/controllers/application.rb

There must be “RoR” sign in the list of active minor-modes in status bar. Thi means, that emacs-rails is enabled and ready to help you in your not so easy work.

Almoust all actions are in the “RoR” menu. You can check it out and try some of them. Don’t forget, that menu will help you only first time. After that you better use hot keys for effective work, you can find them in the brackets.

== Features

  • Integration with script/generate, script/destroy and rake, press [C-c '] or [C-c ;] and type 'rake', 'gen', 'des' to display available tasks.

  • Navigation around rails files, press [C-c '] or [C-c ;] to display available files. [C-c up] to toggle (controller|mailer) <> view. [C-c t] to toggle test <> implementation.

  • Support test frameworks Test::Unit and RSpec, press [C-c C-c .] or [C-c C-c ,] to run current test.

  • Management of WEBrick/Mongrel/Thing

  • Per project configuration, you can setup the default port for server, the environment or etc.

  • Apidock.com integration, press [C-c '] or [C-c ;] and type who you wish find.

  • Textmate like snippets.

== Links

For bugs, patches and other requests: http://dima.lighthouseapp.com/projects/1882-emacs-rails

Google group about rails development on Emacs: http://groups.google.com/group/emacs-on-rails