Dieter Menne

Results 24 issues of Dieter Menne

This error comes up when compiling. I don't fully understand it, because there is no error when I manually enter the offending code. ``` Quitting from lines 2161-2163 (outstanding-shiny-ui.Rmd) Fehler...

Whenever I type a character in one of the custom component editors, ngOnit is called between 50 and 80 times. The number of times the function is called is different...

scope: custom components
scope: community

Would it be possible to submit 1.0 to CRAN now? I have a package that uses the features of 1.0 and cannot submit it to CRAN because of tippy.

### Steps to reproduce Run `build_js(watch = TRUE)` on a fresh Rhino project. ### What happened? Rhino keeps rebuilding the JS even when no changes are being introduced to the...

type: bug
status: ready

For my reporting, being able to number tables and figures is essential; my attempts to keep up with the working/non-working solutions for html and Microsoft word fills gists ( When...

dbplyr Microsoft Access 2019, 64 bit (Edited 1.12.2023 to make case clearer) I have seen #1130, but I am using the github version of tidyverse ``` library(dbplyr) library(dplyr, warn.conflicts...

verb trans :robot:

Using biber/biblatex, it is valid to use a string for month, even if various versions are around (December, dec, {December}, {Dec}). For one example, see where some possible mappings...

I noted that `app_server` in the [shinymanager ]( example is called twice, once before the login screen and once after. Since `global.R` is not considered state-of-the art, where should I...

When I run the "correct" lazy property example on Android Studio, I get an error for `get`: unresolved reference, none of the following candidates..." Works ok online. ``` class LazyProperty(val...

Using the default generated docs.Rmd, I get the following error message on build_vignettes(). "Vignette 'docs.Rmd' is non-ASCII but has no declared encoding" German Windows 10, everything is UTF by default....