Diogo Oliveira de Melo
Diogo Oliveira de Melo
Verify if pressing the search button many times provokes many expensive requests.
Biography is messed up on artist page.
all places that points to /album/info/id/X, should be replaced by /album/artistName/albumName.
this feature was disabled for testing. it must be enabled again asap.
Create specific pages for albums with very rich information. The user doesn't need to be logged in to listen to the album. But there is "add to your collection". Link...
A few JS functions that are suppose to happen only when user is logged in are being called whenever page is loaded.
It's not saving current track. This bug is old. Verify playlist and album. Also verify if loading from current track is working.
Fork me on github badge is not broken on ie9.
When the user already have many albums, it's hard to identify the one he just added. Make new albums glow until the user passes the mouse over it, just like...
During login, warn user that the browser might be blocking popups.