Doug McInnes

Results 14 issues of Doug McInnes

I'm using Powerline with the hacked Inconsolata font at 18pts: ``` VimL set guifont=Inconsolata\ for\ Powerline:h18,Inconsolata:h18,Courier:h18 ``` and using the unmodified version of linepower's config files I get weird diamond...

Hi Guys, It appears CSS2Properties was only looking at cssText of the element passed in, which was only the case with style nodes. I've extended CSS2Properties to also check the...

I was seeing a problem that when a node was created and then was set to hidden by jQuery, any node I created after that point would also be hidden....

`heroku help clients:info` shows ``` -s, --shell # output in shell format ``` but it appears to only show the ID and SECRET which is undefined: ``` $ heroku clients:info...