Dana Marcuse

Results 57 comments of Dana Marcuse

It may be better to have a certain combo pertain to each function key, as F5 (for example) will always reload the page anyways.

Ahh, didn't know that was possible :P

Just saying, the already limited resolution of CC screens wouldn't look very good at all in fullscreen...

I second the motion for Sublime Text. Even better, see if you can find the CC syntax highlighting package that someone (GravityScore maybe?) wrote a while back.

Mimic is no longer being maintained, there aren't any more updates or fixes being released.

I'm not familiar with how the crates.io index works, but that sounds like a good workaround to me. Would it negatively impact build times when using `cargo install`?

I agree that there's overlap with `required-features`, but I think this approach still has some benefits: - Conceptually, I find it easier to understand - compilation artifacts are already relatively...

Yep, @alexreg is exactly right about what I was trying to say.

@kornelski you bring up some good points, but I disagree with your perspective that separate crates in a workspace should be used here. Using separate crates does allow you to...

The idea is that binary artifacts would directly include the modules of the library, such that they're in the same crate when compiled. This allows you to use `pub(crate)` items...