Darin Hensley

Results 20 issues of Darin Hensley

### Description jsonPrefix removes entire `event.detail.response` ### Expected outcome foo is stripped from `{ foo: [object, object, object] }` `event.detail.response` should exist with `{ [object, object, object] }` or just...

[Issue #12](https://github.com/googlearchive/paper-radio-group/issues/12) got tucked away in Google archive repo but was never resolved. It still exists in paper-radio-group 2.* and Polymer 1.*

For Polymer 1.* and `paper-dropdown-menu` **before** 2.0 Documentation needs to state that `paper-listbox` has to have `class="dropdown-content"` for `paper-dropdown-menu` to drop down. Without that class, it will not drop down....

### Description reset breaks paper-radio buttons and paper-dropdown-menu ### Expected outcome Default selected values show as it does when form first loaded ### Actual outcome No default values are selected...

### Description `paper-menu-button` causes chrome warning `[Violation] Long running JavaScript task took 211 ms` ### Browsers Affected - [x ] Chrome - [ ] Firefox - [ ] Safari 9...

This is a request to remove the `{ color: true }` parameter for styling channel ascii text. Color filter can be at the channel level or at the developers decision...

I am trying a dynamic import in chrome. I have ```js const { default: Papa } = await import('papaparse'); const csv = Papa.parse(data); ``` but I get the error `Uncaught...

I am using lit element library. Using no transpiling, just [es bare modules transformers](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@web/dev-server) and native JS, I am not able to import jsPDF into my app (using chrome). I...

I installed with bower. I am able to successfully inject debounce into the environment...it has no complaints. But the function `debounce` itself is undefined. ```javascript var fn = debounce(500, function(goal)...

I used to import openDB with `import { openDB } from 'idb/with-async-ittr'` but after updating to idb ver 8, this import from with-async-ittr is no longer available. I also tried...