LED-Segment-ASCII icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
LED-Segment-ASCII copied to clipboard

Library of ASCII character representations using 7 segment, 14 segment, and 16 segment LED displays

Results 4 LED-Segment-ASCII issues
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Thank you so much for doing this. I was dreading turning a seg16 array into seg14. so thankyou! Also please consider posting it to the Arduino libraries and the Platform.io...

Nice work with this library! I just have an improvement that I've made in the "Y" character, that works on 14 and 16 segments. The hex code for 14 segments...

You may be interested in the 7-segment patterns for ASCII codes 32 to 126 at https://lingvo.org/sepseg/led7alfabeto.gif noting that no pattern is duplicated for the printable ASCII characters) and that readability...

Thank you very much for the table. It help me a lot. But I needed to change the segment assignment. To easy this task, I modified the table to use...