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Keeping track of government in 2017

Tracking changes since Trump has taken office

Also be sure to check the FoxNews first 100 days tracker:

And this other tracker:

Day 1 – Friday, Jan 20th, 2017

Avg price of gas in US: $2.31

Unemployeement rate: 4.7%

DOW / NASDAQ: 19,827.25 / 5,555.33

Removal of climate change and civil rights information from White House website

WH website contains false data about homicide rate in DC to prop up their agenda

Anti-fascist protester shot at alt-right rally (not widely reported until day 3/4)

FHA Premium Cuts Suspended

Removal of ACA begins

National Day Of Patriotic Devotion

Day 2 – Saturday, Jan 21st, 2017

The Women's Marches might be largest demonstration in US history

First WH press briefing in which Spicer lies about size of inauguration crowd

// Side Note: How to headcount an event

Parks service and other government agencies forbidden from tweeting

Awkward first visit to CIA includes phony applause

Is it okay to punch a Nazi?

Day 3 – Sunday, Jan 22nd, 2017

Kellyanne Conway uses the term 'alternative facts' on Sunday morning shows

Trump reverses on campaign promise to release tax records; no way to know his conflicts of interest

Lawsuit claiming Trump has already violated constitution over receiving foreign payments to be filed this week

Day 4 – Monday, Jan 23rd, 2017

Withdrawl from TPP

Gag rule back in effect for foreign aid

Skype seats available to remote journalists in briefing room

Federal hiring freeze (except for military)

Trump shows CNN documentation claiming he resigns from 400 businesses but does not show he has divest ownership

In press briefing Sean Spicer says that Spanish version of WH website is coming soon.

Trump falsely claims with no evidence that illegal ballots cost him the popular vote

// Side Note: This will likely be as an excuse to disenfranchise legitimate voters in the future

Sean Spicer hints that DAPL will be pushed through by Trump WH

// Side Note: Secret recording from DAPL meeting in December 2016 where execs say they will restart once Trump is inaugurated

SD GOP lawmakers move to override voters on anti-corruption law

NEA is a tiny portion of the budget and may lose funding. Where does its money go?

WH closes comment phone line

Trump official portrait may have American flag poorly added in post

Day 5 – Tuesday, Jan 24th, 2017

WH tells EPA staff are censored and grants are frozen

WH instructs EPA to remove climate change data from its website

WH tells USDA it is not allowed to publish any public documents

Trump pledges to cut environmental regulations for auto-makers

Moderate Republicans suggest plan where states can opt to keep Obamacare; WH has no comment

Alt-right in US targets French elections for disinformation campaign

Trump WH places hold on horse 'soring' ban

Calls for hurricane aid to Mississippi ignored by WH

WH revives Keystone XL and DAPL pipelines

Elizabeth Warren will vote yay for Ben Carson for HUD

14 Senate Democrats including Chuck Schumer vote to confirm Mike Pompeo for CIA Director

National Park posts then deletes climate change related tweets

Four journalists face felony charges after covering inauguration unrest

House of Representatives passes bill barring tax money for abortions including subsidized insurance under ACA

Planning for Scientist March on DC begins

Trump pick for head of FCC is anti net neutrality, does not need to be confirmed by congress

Trump vows to use fed intervention to deal with gun violence in Chicago

NYC and DC gather for impromptu noDAPL marches upon news of revival

House GOP closed case on Flint water crisis last month but the water is still undrinkable

Feds are seeking felony charges (max 10 yrs in prison and a $25k fine) for 200+ inauguration protestors

Mexican Peso is sharply falling vs the US Dollar on reports Trump will order border wall tomorrow

Day 6 - Wednesday, Jan 25th, 2017

Executive order to bring back CIA 'black sites' for torture

Christians reflect on the failure of American Christianity

Executive order to build a border wall

44% of GOP voters believe false narrative about inauguration size

Trump plans to move forward with bogus investigation into voter fraud

// Side Note: Multiple people in Trump's administration / family fall in the category of people who are registered in more than one state

Day 7 - Thursday, Jan 26, 2017

Trump proposed immigration ban doesn't include countries with ties to his businesses

Trump proposes tax on Mexican imports to pay for wall

Mexican leader cancels trip to US over wall

Philly shows up to protest Trump

Trump lies about homicide rates in Philly

UK Prime Minister Theresea May speaks at GOP rally in Philly

WH sends 'gag order' to agencies limiting communication with congress

Republians and Democrats alike are eager to get in on $1 trillion spending blitz

Chelsea Manning calls for strong unapologetic progressives to lead

Pipeline spill in Iowa

Miami-Dade mayor moves to comply with Trump crackdown on ‘sanctuary’ counties

Day 8 - Friday, Jan 27, 2017

A few months after Billy Bush is fired for lewd comments, Jenna Bush is a regular on the Today Show.

Wisconsin student guilty of black church arsons seeks to create campus white supremacist group

There might not be a replacement for ACA after all

March for Life in DC

Trump meets British PM

California non-profit begins plans for floating cities

WH considers lifting Russian sanctions

Trump failure to keep promise to release tax returns results in largest WH petition ever

Trump advisor Gary Cohn recieves $285 million compensation package from Goldman Sachs

Malia Obmama joins pipeline protest at Sundance

Day 9, Saturday, Jan 28, 2017

Trump says Christian refugees will get priority

Refugees already approved are being turned away or detained at the border

// Side Note: Google calls back staffers that may have trouble getting back into US

SCOTUS nominee announcement next Thursday, McConnell hints at changing filibuster rules (not sure why FoxNews refers to this as the 'nuclear option')

Russia arrests two officers charged with treason for providing info to the US

Iraqi who helped the US military is one of first to be detained