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Setting width of Labels

Open pauliamgiant opened this issue 4 years ago • 7 comments

Hi there,

Having difficulty setting the width of the Labels.. would be good to have room for a little more text. Have been able to adjust the individual widths of the label and the control with CSS but this is creating an overlap as shown in image below. Any help would be much appreciated!

Many thanks

.changeLabel .label {

-fx-font-family: "DS-Digital Bold";
-fx-font-size: 130%;


.changeLabel .combo-box-base{ -fx-max-width:150px; }


pauliamgiant avatar Jul 30 '20 07:07 pauliamgiant

same question , I can't find width relative api, how to set adaptable width and height, like match_parent or wrap_content in Android ?

    public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception {
        //Pane root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("/layout/launcher.fxml"));
        Pane root = new Pane();

        List<String> strings = Arrays.asList("Africa", "Asia", "Shanghai", "中国", "美国");

        Form form = Form.of(
                        Field.ofMultiSelectionType(strings, Collections.singletonList(1))
                                .render(new SimpleCheckBoxControl<>())

        FormRenderer formRenderer = new FormRenderer(form);

        Scene scene = new Scene(root, 800, 600);



I write a simple demo look like above. then manually set width

Form form = Form.of(
                        Field.ofMultiSelectionType(strings, Collections.singletonList(1))
                                .render(new SimpleCheckBoxControl<>() {
                                    protected void setWidth(double value) {


but not smart and accurate enough.

Please Help.

sunsteam avatar Oct 15 '20 06:10 sunsteam

Is this project dead? I started using this library and after 5 minutes I hit this issue. No response since few months now.

sreese4u avatar Nov 19 '20 00:11 sreese4u

You just need to set the width of the FormRenderer;

    val model=PermissionModel();
    val loginForm: Form = Form.of(
                                .required("This field can’t be empty")
    val root = Pane()
    var fr=FormRenderer(loginForm);
    val stage=Stage();
    stage.scene= Scene(root);

see com.dlsc.formsfx.view.controls.SimpleTextControl#layoutParts

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void layoutParts() {




        if (field.isMultiline()) {

        stack.getChildren().addAll(editableField, editableArea, readOnlyLabel);


        Node labelDescription = field.getLabelDescription();
        Node valueDescription = field.getValueDescription();

        int columns = field.getSpan();

        if (columns < 3) {
            int rowIndex = 0;
            add(fieldLabel, 0, rowIndex++, columns, 1);
            if (labelDescription != null) {
                GridPane.setValignment(labelDescription, VPos.TOP);
                add(labelDescription, 0, rowIndex++, columns, 1);
            add(stack, 0, rowIndex++, columns, 1);
            if (valueDescription != null) {
                GridPane.setValignment(valueDescription, VPos.TOP);
                add(valueDescription, 0, rowIndex, columns, 1);
        } else {
            add(fieldLabel, 0, 0, 2, 1);
            if (labelDescription != null) {
                GridPane.setValignment(labelDescription, VPos.TOP);
                add(labelDescription, 0, 1, 2, 1);
            add(stack, 2, 0, columns - 2, 1);
            if (valueDescription != null) {
                GridPane.setValignment(valueDescription, VPos.TOP);
                add(valueDescription, 2, 1, columns - 2, 1);


tanqidong1992 avatar Nov 19 '20 07:11 tanqidong1992

q I have a similar question. How to increase the number of labels letters shown by sacrificing the width of the text field? In my case, a maximum of 7 letters are shown.

Dimitry82 avatar Feb 04 '21 10:02 Dimitry82

I just did a few hours of digging and found out that they use gridpanes for the layout. So basically they make 12 cols which have 100/12 % width of full width. For the label, they assigned 2 columns with cols span which means the label area is only having 16.67 % of the whole width which isn't enough. So I implemented a workaround that and I post it here. Hope it helps for ya all.

 * Set label width by percentage
 * @param pane probably the FormRenderer
 * @param labelSize label size by percentage. For ex. if the label needs half the space of width use 50
private void searchAndSetControlsLabelWidth(Pane pane, double labelSize) {
    if(pane instanceof GridPane){
        if(pane.getStyleClass().stream().anyMatch(s -> s.contains("simple-"))){
            GridPane gp = (GridPane) pane;
            if (gp.getColumnConstraints().size() == 12) {
                double rest = 100 - labelSize;
                for (int i = 0; i < gp.getColumnConstraints().size(); i++) {
                    if (i < 3) {
                        gp.getColumnConstraints().get(i).setPercentWidth(labelSize / 2);
                    else {

    for (Node child : pane.getChildren()) {
        if (child instanceof Pane) {
            searchAndSetControlsLabelWidth((Pane) child, labelSize);

FormRenderer renderer = new FormRenderer(form);
searchAndSetControlsLabelWidth(renderer, 40);

thamidu avatar Jan 04 '22 20:01 thamidu

A correction would be hopeful...

deamn avatar May 31 '22 11:05 deamn

Here is a small improvement to @thamidu's solution - it accounts for sections in the forms:

protected void searchAndSetControlsLabelWidth(Pane pane, double labelSize) {
  if (pane instanceof GridPane) {
	  if (pane.getStyleClass().stream().anyMatch(s -> s.contains("simple-"))) {
		  GridPane gp = (GridPane) pane;
		  if (gp.getColumnConstraints().size() == 12) {
			  double rest = 100 - labelSize;
			  for (int i = 0; i < gp.getColumnConstraints().size(); i++) {
				  if (i < 3) {
					  gp.getColumnConstraints().get(i).setPercentWidth(labelSize / 2);
				  } else {
					  gp.getColumnConstraints().get(i).setPercentWidth(rest / 10);
  for (Node child : pane.getChildren()) {
	  if (child instanceof Pane cpane) {
		  searchAndSetControlsLabelWidth(cpane, labelSize);
	  else if (child instanceof TitledPane tpane) {
		  if (tpane.getContent() instanceof Pane cpane) {
			  searchAndSetControlsLabelWidth(cpane, labelSize);

m0squito avatar Nov 02 '22 04:11 m0squito